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MER - User Defined Tab (SU)

User Defined Fields are fields that your school can customise to suit your school requirements. This program is used to set them up for the medical record. These fields are referenced in various programs including:

UD (User Defined) fields enable greater flexibility for your school to create custom fields in your TASS database that may not necessarily be provided with the application.

To use a field, place a field label of your preference into the description fields provided. Once the label is entered, TASS.web will refer to that field using the label nominated where available from other screens.

There are 15 fields available to use within a module, within 3 types.

  1. The first group of 5 UD fields are Y/N Flag Fields, e.g. Ambulance Subsidy, Private Health Insurance, Panadol®/Aspirin, Allergies, Measles.

  2. The second group of 5 UD fields are Table Referenced Fields, e.g. Preferred Hospital – Mater, Royal Brisbane, Wesley; Health Insurance Company – MBF, Medibank Private; Consent Form – Anaesthetic, Anaesthetic/Treatment/Hospital.

  3. The last group of 5 UD fields are Text Fields, e.g. Blood Group, Medicare Number.

Click on the 'Arrow' icon next to Fields 6 to 10 to display the table referenced data for each respective field. Use the 'Edit' button to change a data item 'Description'. To enter an option for that table enter a 'Code' and 'Description'.

Parent Lounge Access

To allow parents to access (and potentially update) the General Medical Details (UD fields) that the school has recorded for their child (through Parent Lounge), use the 'Parent Lounge' tab (here on the Medical Setup program). 

Set the 'PL Flag' to 'N' for any field that you do not want the parents to access.

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