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Learning Objects Details Screen


Select a Learning Object from the repository to view the details.

This is an example of the 'Learning Objects' screen with a Learning Object selected.

Learning Object Details

The top section of the highlighted section of the screen will display:

  • General details about the Learning Object.

  • Where in the Learning Object Repository, the Learning Object is filed.

  • Relevant date information such as when it was created etc.

  • Buttons for the maintenance of the Learning Object.

The table below outlines the buttons displayed in the top section of this screen and their action for each Learning Object type.

You will only be able to use the 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'Move to Archive' function where:

  • You are the owner of the Learning Object.

  • You have been defined as a 'Central Repository Coordinator', and the Learning Object resides in your designated 'Subject Area' within the school's Central Repository.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Subject Area Coordinators' are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Click here for further information on the different types of users in the Learning Object Repository.

There are 3 different types of users in the Learning Object Repository.

What type of user you are will depend mainly on whether you are the owner of a Learning Object.

For further information on Learning Objects visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment (Overview).

To see if you own a Learning Object, refer to the 'Owner' field in the 'Learning Objects' screen.

Type of User



The person who owns a Learning Object. Generally, this is the person who created the Learning Object.

Refer to the 'Owner' field in the 'Learning Objects' screen to see the owner of a Learning Object.

The owner of a Learning Object will be able to see where they have used a Learning Object and where any other teacher has used it in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen. An owner will not be able to modify or delete another teacher's usage.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program > Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

Non-Owner of a Central Repository Learning Object

A person who can see a Learning Object in the school's Central Repository but does not own the Learning Object.

For further information on the 'Central Repository', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment (Overview).

This type of user will be able to use a Learning Object in the school's Central Repository, but they will not be able to change the Learning Object in any way.

They will only be able to see where they have used a Learning Object in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen. They will not be able to see if another teacher has used the Learning Object.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

Subject Area Co-Ordinator

Each subject area in the school's Central Repository can be allocated a coordinator. It is essentially this person's responsibility to manage the Learning Objects that are filed in their designated subject area.

They will be able to see where they have used a Learning Object in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen and where any other teacher has used it.

They will not be able to modify or delete another teacher's usage.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

'Subject Area Coordinators' are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

The table below outlines the different types of users in the Learning Object Repository (above) and what buttons they will have access to in the 'Learning Objects' screen.

For more information on the 'Learning Objects' screen visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Screen.



Central Repository View

Subject Area Coordinator





Move to Archive

Transfer Object

Class Assign

Custom Assign




Online Test


This button will open the Resource.

URL, Image and PDF type Resources will open in a new browser tab.

Any other type of Resource will attempt to open using the native program.

For example, a .docx file will open in Microsoft Word®.

This button will open the 'Activity Details' pop-up screen.

This screen will display:

  • The outline of the Activity.

  • Any Resources that have been attached.

  • Any 'Assessment Criteria' that has been included.

  • Any Online Test that has been attached.

This button will open the 'Question Details' screen.

This screen will display:

  • The Question type.

  • The Question text.

  • The correct answer for the Question.

  • Any Resources that have been attached.

This button will open the 'Online Test Details' screen.

This screen will display:

  • The Questions that have been included in the Online Test.

  • The numeric score for each Question.

  • The 'Time Limit'.

  • Whether Questions will be randomised in the Online Test.

  • Whether auto calculated scores will be displayed to students after completion of the Online Test.


This button will open the 'Edit Resource' screen.

Click here for further details on this screen.

Changing the details of a Resource will not affect:

  • A Resource that has already been assigned to a class.

  • A Resource that has already been assigned to a custom group of students.

  • An Activity that has already been assigned with this Resource attached.

  • A Question that has been assigned through an Online Test with this Resource attached.

  • A Blog that has been created with this Resource attached.

This button will open:

  • The 'Edit Activity' screen where the Activity Type is 'webBook' or 'Non-Assessable.'

  • The 'Activity Builder' Step 1 of 3 where the Activity Type is 'Standalone'.

Click here for further information on the 'Activity Builder'.

Changing the details of an Activity from this screen will not change an Activity that has already been assigned to a class or custom group of students.

To change the details of an assigned Activity use Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen > Edit Activity.

This button will open the 'Question Builder' to Step 1 of 3.

Click here for further information on the 'Question Builder'.

Changing the details of a Question will not affect a Question that has already been assigned to a class or custom group of students through an Online Test.

This button will open the 'Online Test Builder' to Step 1 of 4.

Click here for further information on the 'Online Test Builder'.

Changing the details of an Online Test will not affect an Online Test that has already been assigned to a class or custom group of students through an Activity.


A Resource cannot be deleted under the following circumstances:

  • It has been assigned to a class or custom group of students in the current year.

  • It has been attached to an Activity.

  • It has been attached to a Question.

  • It has been attached to a Blog.

An Activity cannot be deleted under the following circumstances:

  • It has been assigned to a class or custom group of students.

A Question cannot be deleted under the following circumstances:

  • It has been attached to an Online Test.

An Online Test cannot be deleted under the following circumstances:

  • It has been attached to an Activity.


The 'Duplicate' button will allow you to create an exact copy of a Learning Object.

An example of the duplicate function is:

  • You have found an Activity in the school's Central Repository that has been created by another teacher.

  • You would like to use this Activity with one of your own classes, but need to change a few details.

  • You do not own the Activity; therefore, you cannot change it.

  • You duplicate the Activity to create your own copy that allows you to change any details.

The process of duplicating a Learning Object is the same for each Learning Object type.

The 'Duplicate' screen will allow you to change general details about the Learning Object before you create your own (or another) copy.

If you are duplicating a Learning Object that is currently filed in the school's Central Repository, you will only be able to duplicate the Learning Object into your personal My Learning Objects.

Once you have saved the record, you can 'Edit' the Learning Object to change any additional details.

 Move to Archive

Archiving a Learning Object will remove it from the initial view of the Learning Object Repository.

You would archive a Learning Object where a Learning Object is no longer being used; however, you cannot delete it because:

  • You have attached it to another Learning Object.

  • You have assigned it.


If a Learning Object is currently filed in the school's Central Repository, moving the Learning Object to the archive will also remove it from everyone's initial view of the repository.

To view Learning Objects that have been moved to the archive, use the 'Archived Objects' option in the 'Object Origin' filter at the top of the screen.

To take a Learning Object out of the archive, select the Learning Object from the 'Archived Objects' view of the repository and click the 'Restore from Archive' button.


The bottom half of the screen displays the 'Usage' of the Learning Object.

It can be used to:

  • Assign a Resource to a class or custom group of students.

  • Assign an Activity to a class or custom group of students.

  • Transfer the ownership of a Learning Object to another teacher.

  • View and maintain where a Learning Object has been used.

Usage can be defined as:

  • An Activity or Resource that has been assigned to a class or custom group of students.

  • A Learning Object that has been attached to another Learning Object.

The table below outlines the usage that can occur on each Learning Object type:

 Usage Description




Online Test

Can be assigned to a class or custom group of students

Can be attached to an Activity using the 'Activity Builder'.

Can be attached to a Question using the 'Question Builder'.

Can be attached to an Online Test using the 'Online Test Builder'.

Can be attached to a Blog.

Click here for further information on Blogs.

Two filter options are available to view and maintain a Learning Object's usage:

  1. Assignment filter.

  2. Usage filter.

If you are the owner of the Learning Object, you will be able to view:

  • Where you have used it.

  • Where any other teacher has used it.

You will not, however, be able to remove any usage by another teacher.

If you have been defined as a 'Central Repository Co-ordinator' you will also be able to see where a Learning Object has been used (by any teacher). This only applies to Learning Objects located in your designated Subject Area within the school's Central Repository.

Click here for further information on the different types of users in the Learning Object Repository.

There are 3 different types of users in the Learning Object Repository.

What type of user you are will depend mainly on whether you are the owner of a Learning Object.

For further information on Learning Objects visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment (Overview).

To see if you own a Learning Object, refer to the 'Owner' field in the 'Learning Objects' screen.

Type of User



The person who owns a Learning Object. Generally, this is the person who created the Learning Object.

Refer to the 'Owner' field in the 'Learning Objects' screen to see the owner of a Learning Object.

The owner of a Learning Object will be able to see where they have used a Learning Object and where any other teacher has used it in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen. An owner will not be able to modify or delete another teacher's usage.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program > Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

Non-Owner of a Central Repository Learning Object

A person who can see a Learning Object in the school's Central Repository but does not own the Learning Object.

For further information on the 'Central Repository', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment (Overview).

This type of user will be able to use a Learning Object in the school's Central Repository, but they will not be able to change the Learning Object in any way.

They will only be able to see where they have used a Learning Object in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen. They will not be able to see if another teacher has used the Learning Object.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

Subject Area Co-Ordinator

Each subject area in the school's Central Repository can be allocated a coordinator. It is essentially this person's responsibility to manage the Learning Objects that are filed in their designated subject area.

They will be able to see where they have used a Learning Object in the 'Usage' section of the 'Learning Objects' screen and where any other teacher has used it.

They will not be able to modify or delete another teacher's usage.

For details on what defines 'Usage', visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Details Screen.

'Subject Area Coordinators' are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

The table below outlines the different types of users in the Learning Object Repository (above) and what buttons they will have access to in the 'Learning Objects' screen.

For more information on the 'Learning Objects' screen visit Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign) > Learning Objects Screen.



Central Repository View

Subject Area Coordinator





Move to Archive

Transfer Object

Class Assign

Custom Assign

Assignment Filter

This option applies to Activities and Resources only. This is because only Activities and Resources can be assigned to a class or a custom group of students.

Click here for further information on Assigning Resources.

Click here for further information on Assigning Activities.

When this option is selected, the table will display every instance where the Activity or Resource has been assigned in the current year and semester (or term).

Use the checkbox next to the 'Usage' picklist to view assignment records from previous years and semesters.

Click the 'View' link to view the assignment details.

The 'Edit' link will only be available for Resources that have assigned to a custom group of students, click this link to modify:

  • The students that have access to this Resource in Student Café.

  • The 'Custom Assign Name'.

Click the 'Delete' link to:

  • Remove the view of a Resource from students in Student Café.

  • Unassign an Activity for all students to which it has been assigned.

Unassigning an Activity will remove all grades and student-submitted files.

Usage Filter

This option applies to Resources, Questions and Online Tests. This is because only Resources, Questions and Online Tests can be 'attached' to other Learning Objects.

When this option is selected, the table will display every instance where the Resource, Question or Online Test has been attached to another Learning Object.

For example, selecting the 'Usage' option for a Question will display every Online Test in which the Question has been included.

Click here to view the Learning Objects that can be attached to other Learning Objects.

Click the 'View' link to view:

  • The Activity, Question or Blog to which a Resource has been attached.

  • The Online Test to which a Question has been attached.

  • The Activity to which an Online Test has been attached.

Related Resources

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