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Transferring Ownership of a Learning Object

Use this option to transfer the ownership of a single Learning Object.

To transfer ownership for multiple Learning Objects, use Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Transfer/Delete).


You would use it when:

  • A teacher has left the school, and there is a need to transfer ownership of the Learning Object so that another teacher can maintain it.

You will only be able to transfer ownership of the Learning Object if you have been defined as a 'Central Repository Coordinator' and the Learning Object resides in your designated 'Subject Area' within the school's Central Repository.

  • You have been working on your Learning Object (that is filed in the Central Repository) and now want to transfer ownership to another teacher so that he/she can take over maintaining the Object.

You must be the owner or the 'Central Repository Coordinator' (and the Learning Object resides in your designated 'Subject Area' within the school's Central Repository).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The ‘Central Repository Coordinator' is set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup > 'Subject Areas’ tab.

To transfer ownership of a Learning Object in the Central Repository, click on the 'Transfer Object' button:

Nominate the teacher to whom the Learning Object will be transferred.


This button will be disabled if you are not the owner of the Learning Object or the 'Central Repository Coordinator' for this 'Subject Area'.

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