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Blogs (weB LOG) are shared online journals where teachers can post entries relating to issues or topics. Students can respond by posting comments through Student Café. Blogs are similar to Forums. The major differences are:

  • You can include images in Blogs.

  • You can attach Resources to Blogs.

  • There is an (optional) approval system for student comments on Blogs. A student's posted comment can be approved and edited by a teacher before becoming visible to other students (the use of this function is determined by your school).

Click here for an Administrator Note

This can be made mandatory at a school level. This is set up in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

  • Students will be more familiar with this type of social interaction, as the use of Blogs is prolific on the Internet, e.g. Facebook®.

You can create Blogs for any of your current classes. All students enrolled in a particular subject class will have access to the Blog through Student Café.

Students are then able to post their own comments against your Blog. The comments added by students are ordered by date and time sequence.

How to Create a New Blog

Related Resources

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