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Question Builder – Step 1 of 4

This is where you set up the outline of a Question.

An example of the Question Builder Step 1:

Learning Object Repository Detail

Subject Area

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The Subject Area is important as it will determine the second level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Subject Areas are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Add to My Learning Objects OR

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This field determines the first/top level folder in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

This Learning Object Repository is best described as a filing cabinet for Learning Objects.

Every Learning Object that you create by using either Staff Kiosk Assessment or webBook Progressive Assessment will be filed in this repository.

The repository is divided into:

  • My Learning Objects - This is where you store your own Learning Objects that you do not want to be available to other teachers.

  • Central Repository - This repository is available to all teachers. Learning Objects that you elect to store here will be available to all teachers to use.

Add to My Learning Objects

By selecting this option, this Learning Object will be added to your personal 'My Learning Objects' repository. It will not be added to the school's Central Repository for sharing with other teachers.

Add to Central Repository

By selecting this option, this Learning Object will be added to the school's Central Repository under the Subject Area you have chosen.

This Learning Object will be visible to all teachers in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign).

Where this field is disabled, the following message will display “Central Repository has not been set up for the Subject Area that you have chosen”.

Administrator Note:

You can determine the availability and default for this button by using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects Areas' tab.

This field will be the default option where a Central Repository has been set up for the Subject Area that the teacher has chosen and the school has indicated that content created for this Subject Area, should be added to the Central Repository.

Add to Central Repository

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This field determines the first/top level folder in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

This Learning Object Repository is best described as a filing cabinet for Learning Objects.

Every Learning Object that you create by using either Staff Kiosk Assessment or webBook Progressive Assessment will be filed in this repository.

The repository is divided into:

  • My Learning Objects - This is where you store your own Learning Objects that you do not want to be available to other teachers.

  • Central Repository - This repository is available to all teachers. Learning Objects that you elect to store here will be available to all teachers to use.

Add to My Learning Objects

By selecting this option, this Learning Object will be added to your personal 'My Learning Objects' repository. It will not be added to the school's Central Repository for sharing with other teachers.

Add to Central Repository

By selecting this option, this Learning Object will be added to the school's Central Repository under the Subject Area you have chosen.

This Learning Object will be visible to all teachers in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign).

Where this field is disabled, the following message will display “Central Repository has not been set up for the Subject Area that you have chosen”.

Administrator Note:

You can determine the availability and default for this button by using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects Areas' tab.

This field will be the default option where a Central Repository has been set up for the Subject Area that the teacher has chosen and the school has indicated that content created for this Subject Area, should be added to the Central Repository.

Year Group

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This is important as it will determine the third level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.


Click here for an Administrator Note.

This is important as it will determine the fourth level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

A topic is best described as a unit of work. For example in English, students may be studying a topic of Poetry.

If you have chosen to add this Learning Object in the Central Repository, this field will provide a list of Topics that already exist in the Central Repository for the Subject Area you have selected.

Where you have chosen to file this Learning Object in 'My Learning Objects', this field will provide a list of Topics that you have previously created.

Choose from an existing Topic or alternatively, create a new Topic using the 'Enter a New Topic' field.

Your school may not allow new Topics to be created in the Central Repository using this screen. If this is the case, and you require a new Topic, please see your Administrator. There is an option to ‘Allow Central Repository Topic creation in Learning Objects’ in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

OR Enter a New Topic

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Use this field to create a new Topic; the text that you enter here will create a new folder in the Learning Object Repository under the Subject Area and Year Group you have selected above.

The system will not duplicate a Topic if it already exists in the repository.

Question Details


Click here for an Administrator Note.

This field can be used to acknowledge the original author of a Learning Object.

You should check that use of this Learning Object falls within your school's copyright guidelines and completion of this field also adheres to school guidelines.

Use the 'Self Source' button if you are the author of the Learning Object. This will place your name automatically in the field.

Question Type

There are seven different types of Questions that can be created (also see next section):

  1. Drop-down List.

  2. Extended Answer.

  3. Fill the Gaps.

  4. Multiple Choice (multiple answers).

  5. Multiple Choice (single answer).

  6. Short Answer.

  7. True / False.

Select a 'Question Type' and enter the Question's text below.

The rich text editor can be used to format the appearance of the text you enter.

For example, bold, italicise and underline.

An Equation Editor is also available to insert mathematical symbols into your Questions.

Question Types

Drop-down List

This type of Question requires students to select the correct answer from a pick-list of possible options.

For example:

When creating this type of Question, you will need to insert where you would like the dropdown list(s) positioned in your Question text below.

Use the 'GAP' button in the Rich Text Editor to insert a placeholder where the drop-down list(s) will be displayed.

You can insert multiple drop-down lists in your Question text.

Click here to go to Step 2 for a 'Drop-down List' type Question.

Extended Answer

This type of Question requires students to type an answer of more than one word (a sentence or paragraph).

An example of an 'Extended Answer' Question might be What is the message behind Andrew Paterson's famous poem 'Waltzing Matilda'?

Click here to go to the next step for an 'Extended Answer' type Question.

Fill in the Gaps

This type of Question requires students to type the correct answer into a text box.

For example:

While the answers are not case sensitive, students must use the correct spelling and grammar.

Use the 'GAP' button in the Rich Text Editor to insert a placeholder where the text box(es) will be displayed.

You can insert multiple text boxes in your Question text.

Click here to go to Step 2 for a 'Fill in the Gaps' type Question.

Multiple Choice (multiple answers) and

Multiple Choice (single answers)

These types of Questions require students to choose the correct answer from a list of options. 

A Multiple Choice (multiple answers) type Question is where students can select more than one possible answer. A Multiple Choice (single answer) type Question is where students will only be able to select one correct answer.

An example of a multiple-choice Question might be 'Identify the poems listed below that were written by Banjo Paterson?'

Number of Options — Use the 'Number of Options' field to indicate the number of multiple-choice options to display in your Question.

Randomise Options — By default, the order of the multiple-choice options will be the order that you enter them in Step 2. Select 'Yes' to change the order that multiple-choice options are displayed to each student.

Each student will see the multiple-choice options in the Question in a different order.

Click here to go to Step 2 for 'Multiple Choice' type Questions.

Short Answer

This type of Question requires students to enter an answer of no more than 3 words. Students will need to enter the correct spelling and word order for their answer to be marked as correct.

You can nominate more than one correct answer for this Question type. Use the 'Number of correct answers' field to indicate how many correct answers are possible for this Question.

An example of a short answer Question might be:

Question — What type of animal did Andrew Paterson get his nickname 'Banjo' from?

Answer — Horse.

Click here to go to Step 2 for a 'Short Answer' type Question.

True / False

This type of Question requires students to nominate the correct answer by selecting either True or False.

An example of a True/False Question might be 'Andrew Paterson was born in the state of Victoria.'

Click here to go to Step 2 for a 'True/False' type Question.

Click the 'Next' button to proceed to Step 2 in the 'Question Builder'.

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