By default, the Learning Object Repository will include all Learning Objects. Alternatively, you can use the filters at the top of the screen to rebuild your repository based on:
'Object Type'.
'Assigned To'.
'Subject Area'.
'Object Origin'.
'Display Options'.
'Keyword Search'.
Object Type
The four different types of Learning Objects will be available in this filter option.
Use the checkboxes to search for specific Learning Object types.
For example, if you want to look for Resources only, untick Activities, Questions and Online Tests.
Therefore only Resources will be displayed in the Learning Object Repository.
Assigned To
This filter applies to Activities and Resources only. This is because only Activities and Resources can be assigned to a class or a custom group of students.
Assigned to — This section of the filter will display a list of Subject Classes that you teach for the current year and semester (or term). Use the checkboxes to search for Activities and/or Resources that have been assigned to specific Subject Class(es) in the current year and semester (or term).
Custom Assigned — Use the 'Learning Objects Assigned to a Custom Group' checkbox to search for Activities and/or Resources that have been assigned to a custom group(s) of students in the current year and semester (or term).
Not Assigned — Use the 'Learning Objects not assigned' checkbox to search for Activities and/or Resources that have not been assigned to a class or custom group of students in the current year and semester (or term).
Display all Learning Objects — Use this option to reset the filter and display all Learning Objects.
The 'Subject Area' is the second level in the Learning Object Repository that Learning Objects can be filed under.
By default, the Learning Object Repository will display the 'Subject Areas' that belong to the Department(s) that you operate in.
Click here for an Administrator Note.
Teacher departments are allocated using TASS.webStudent Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers.
For example, if you operate in the Science Department, only science-related 'Subject Areas' such as science, chemistry and biology will be displayed.
Use this filter to nominate additional or all 'Subject Areas' to display.
Click here for an Administrator Note.
A 'Subject Area' is mapped to a Department via the Subject record in TASS.webStudent Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab.
My Learning Objects — Use this option to search for Learning Objects that have been filed in your personal My Learning Objects area of the repository.
Central Repository Objects — Use this option to search for Learning Objects that have been filed in the school's Central Repository.
Archived Objects — Use this option to search for Learning Objects that have been hidden from the Learning Objects Repository using Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (option 'Move to Archive').
Display Options
Use the radio button options in this filter to change the way that the Learning Object Repository is displayed.
Show as List — This option will remove all of the folders in the repository and display a list of Learning Objects based on the filter options you have chosen.
Show as Tree — This is the default view of the repository that is displayed on entry to the 'Learning Objects' screen.
Topic Name — This option will remove all other folders in the repository except the Topic folder.
Keyword Search
Enter a word or search string into this field to search for Learning Objects based on:
'Learning Object Name'.
'Subject Area'.
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