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Release Notes

We are constantly developing, innovating and yes, fixing.
We aim to keep you completely in-the-know through our Release Notes communications.

TASS releases regular updates throughout the year (~monthly) to address any issues, and to deliver both major and minor software enhancements.

To keep you informed, we publish Release Notes as each version update becomes available.

Want access to TASS releases sooner?

Join our 'Friendly Schools' program for early access to new versions of the TASS software - roughly two weeks before the General Release date. This gives you time to provide user acceptance testing and feedback on specific features prior to General Release.

For schools who have a Test instance of the TASS database, the early updates can be applied to your test instance only, your live instance only, or both.

If your school would like to join Friendly Releases, you can register here.

Maintaining TASS 

To update your software version, please read TASS Software Updates.

The 'Maintaining TASS' page has more details on release cycles, enhancements, responsibilities and more. 


Ensure you keep up to date with the recent version of TASS.  Older versions become End of Life (EoL) and eventually unsupported by the TASS team. More info about this is posted on our System Requirements page. 

Release Notes for all EoL versions are retained for your information and found here: 


The TASS team produces a Roadmap based on customer feedback and requests and to address areas the team would like to further develop.  Have a look at our Roadmap so you can see the great features to look forward to.   

Don't forget that you can add your own enhancement ideas onto our TASS Hub Forum, where other customers can view, add to, and vote for your ideas!

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