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System Requirements

Keep up to date with critical versions and updates to the TASS stack.

Current Notifications

When a TASS version reaches its end-of-life, TASS can no longer provide any support, as stated in the SLA.


(Expected Release)


(The month in which TASS versions become unsupported, as stated in the SLA)

v01.059.07 (July 2024)

November 2024

v01.059.06 (June 2024)

October 2024

v01.059.05 (May 2024)

September 2024

v01.059.04 (April 2024)

August 2024

v01.059.03 (March 2024)

July 2024

v01.059.02 (February 2024)

June 2024

v01.059.01 (January 2024)

May 2024

v.01.058 (all versions)

April 2024

v.01.057 (all versions)

April 2023

v01.056 (all versions)

October 2022

v01.055 (all versions)

October 2022

v01.054 and earlier

March 2022

More Information on Versions

Refer to the TASS Release Cycle and Release Notes pages for more information.

Stack End of Life Versions

The following versions have recently or are soon to become End of Life (EoL):

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 - 9th July 2019

  • SQL Server 2012 - 12th July 2022

  • SQL Server 2014 - 31 December 2022

  • SQL Server 2016 - 31 December 2022

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 - 14th January 2020

  • Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 - 10th October 2023

Remote Support Access

From 1 July 2021, the IP addresses used for remote support access to self-hosted TASS instances have changed. Updates to firewall whitelisting may be required. Please see further details here

Web Browser Support

As of the release of TASS v53 (October 2020):

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer supported. 

  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) is now supported on Windows and macOS.

For self-hosted customers, we require access to a web browser in your environment to provide support and troubleshooting. You will need to install a supported browser (eg Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome) on your TASS web server, or another host in your environment.

For more information, please refer to Supported Browsers and Devices.

SMSGlobal Notification

On 27 May 2020, TASS's Integration Partner SMSGlobal will be updating all integrations and APIs to new IP addresses.

If your school has a firewall rule setup for by IP Address, your school's firewall rule will need to be reviewed and the IP Address updated (if required) to avoid disruptions to the delivery of TASS generated SMS Messages.




NAB Payment Gateway Services

On 31 May 2022, TASS's Integration Partner NAB will be migrating their infrastructure to a new data centre.

If your school has a firewall rule setup for NAB Payment Gateways, your school's firewall rule will need to be reviewed and the IP Address updated (if required) to avoid disruptions to payments made through Parent Lounge and/or Commercial Debtors.

The following IP Address will need to be whitelisted:

Please DO NOT remove any existing IP addresses from firewalls at this time.

Supported Versions Matrix

To ensure your environment remains secure, you must stay up to date with minimum server requirements.

This information is subject to change. Last updated 30 July 2024.



Adobe ColdFusion


Windows Server 

(64-bit only)




SQL Server

(Standard or Enterprise)



SQL Database Compatibility Level

Up to 120 (2014)



CF Patch

CF21 Update 12


 As Bundled 


 As Bundled 

TASS Version

v.01.058.12 and higher

TASS versions not listed in the Supported Versions Matrix are End of Life. Refer to TASS EoL Versions for more information.

TASS does not provide support for any TASS.web software versions once they have reached โ€˜End of Lifeโ€™ status. 

*Only existing installations will be supported. New installations and server rebuilds must use a newer version.

Book in a ColdFusion or Java update.

System Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for TASS servers are as follows:





2 CPU Cores

Intel Broadwell or newer generation recommended

2 CPU Cores

Intel Broadwell or newer generation recommended

4 CPU Cores

Intel Broadwell or newer generation recommended


12 GB

8 GB

16 GB

Disk Space

100 GB free at time of install

100 GB free at time of install

Solid state disks strongly recommended

150 GB free at time of install

Solid state disks strongly recommended

Please note that these are only minimum requirements. There are many situations where TASS will require additional hardware resources, such as:

  • Larger schools (eg those with 1000+ students)

  • Use of the Assessment functionality in Staff Kiosk and Student Cafe

  • Large TASS.doc/Assessment repositories

  • Large TASS database (eg for long-term customers with historical data) 

  • Using multiple campuses, multiple companies, or running in Enterprise mode

Reach out to us before you plan a server migration or upgrade to discuss your requirements.

Please note:

  • TASS is a mission-critical system and the web server or VM must be exclusively used to host the TASS application and cannot be shared with other services.

  • Do not make any changes to the hardware or resource allocation of your TASS server without reaching out to our Technical Services team first. We need to make adjustments to performance tuning configuration to ensure TASS performs appropriately with your hardware configuration. 

  • TASS can run in a virtual machine (VMware ESX, Hyper-V, etc) but you must provision resources as above.

  • TASS can be hosted on public cloud instances but you must select a server type with dedicated (not "burstable") CPUs and solid state disks. 

  • For SQL Server, the Server Collation must be set to Latin1_General_CI_AS and mixed authentication mode must be enabled.

  • For installation, support, and troubleshooting purposes, we need access to a supported web browser. You will need to install a supported browser (eg Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome) on your TASS web server, or another host in your environment. For more information, please refer to Supported Browsers and Devices.

Warning: Do not attempt to apply ColdFusion patches or updates yourself.   This should only be done by our Technical Services team. Attempting to do so may result in instability and inaccessibility.

Contact Technical Services

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