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Topics (Maintain)


Topics are the fourth level in the Learning Object Repository that Learning Objects can be filed under.


Click here for further information on the Learning Objects Repository.

This is best described as a filing cabinet for Learning Objects.

Every Learning Object that you create by using either Staff Kiosk program Assessment or webBook Progressive Assessment will be filed in this repository.

The repository is divided into:

  • My Learning Objects - This is where you store your own Learning Objects that you do not want to be available to other teachers.
  • Central Repository - This repository is available to all teachers. Learning Objects that you elect to store here will be available to all teachers to use.

Topics can be created using:

  • The 'Enter a NEW Topic' field when creating Resources, Activities, Questions or Online Tests.

  • Using this program.

This program can be used to:

  • Create new Topics.  These Topics can then be used when creating Learning Objects in the My Learning Objects area of the Learning Object Repository.

It would be unusual to use this program to create a Topic as most Topics are created 'on-the-fly' when you create a Resource, Activity, Question or Online Test.

  • Maintain existing Topics that you have created.

If you have been defined as a 'Central Repository Co-Ordinator' for a 'Subject Area', you can also use this program to:

  • Create Topics in your designated 'Subject Area(s)'. These Topics can then be used by other teachers when creating Learning Objects in the school's Central Repository.

  • Maintain existing Topics in the school's Central Repository for your designated 'Subject Areas(s)'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Central Repository Co-Ordinators' are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Manage Topics Screen

This screen will display a list of 'Topics' that you have created.

If you have been set up as a 'Central Repository Co-Ordinator', use the drop-down list at the top of this screen to select and view the Topics that have been created and used in your designated 'Subject Area(s)'.

For example, English Central Repository Topics.

Click the 'Add Topic' button to create a new Topic.

If you have been set up as a 'Central Repository Co-Ordinator', select a 'Central Repository Topics' option first before clicking the 'Add Topic' button.

This will allow you to create a new Topic that can be used by other teachers when creating Learning Objects in the school's Central Repository.

Click the 'Edit' link to maintain Topic details.

Click the 'Delete' link to remove a Topic from being used in the Learning Object Repository.

Topics cannot be deleted if they are currently in use, i.e. there are Learning Objects currently filed in that Topic.

Add / Edit Topic Screen

Fields that require further explanation

Topic Description

Enter the description of your Topic here. This description will be displayed in the 'Topic' picklist when creating Learning Objects in the My Learning Objects program.

If you are editing the description of an existing Topic, every instance where that Topic is displayed will change to the text you enter here.

Subject Classes

This left column will display a list of Subject Classes that you teach for the current year and semester (or term).

Use the buttons in between the columns to assign the selected Topic to a Subject Class.

Refer to section 'Manage Topics Screen' (above) for further information on assigning Topics.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Topics can only be assigned to Subject Classes where the Subject Class meets the following conditions:

  • The Subject must be mapped to a 'Subject Area' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.

  • The Subject must have an 'Alternate Description' entered in TASS.web Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.

A subject grid is also available in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid to quickly allocate 'Subject Areas' to Subjects and enter 'Alternate Descriptions'.

A message will be displayed at the top of the 'Subject Classes' columns where a Subject does not meet these conditions.

Click the 'View' link to see which Subjects need to be amended and for what reason.

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