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How to Process Annual Billing

This process is suited to schools that:

  • Run one major parent Auto Account Billing per year at the start of the year.

  • Include ancillary charges and fees for the year in Auto Account Billing.

It is not suited to schools that:

  • Run multiple parent Auto Account Billing runs per year (e.g. Term based billing).

  • Do not want ancillary charges (added during the year) to be included in payment schedule instalments.

  • Generate reminders either as statements or through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders.

If your school processes Annual Billing in advance (i.e. completes next year's billing in the current year), refer to and complete the guide 'How to Bill School Fees in Advance' before proceeding.


Menu Option


  • Task


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions.

 Make sure that all transactions for the previous year have been flagged as having appeared on a statement.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Automated Credit Apply.

 Make sure that all credits have been applied.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Account > Receipting > Automated Receipt Apply.

 Make sure that all receipts have been applied.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Auto Account Billing.

 Complete Steps 1 to 19 in the 'Auto Account Billing Checklist'.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules.

Setup each new payment schedule for this billing.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules.

Use the 'Generate Payment Schedule' option to add parents to each payment schedules created in Step 5.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

Generate statements for parents with a payment schedule using the 'Payment Schedules' button.

For the first statement after the billing has been completed, use 'Generate Statements with Parent Schedules' option.

View your Statements as PDF's on the screen to ensure they are correct.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

If your school emails statements to parents, repeat Step 7 except this time use the 'Deliver via email where possible' option on the 'Print' tab.  

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

Repeat Step 7 except this time use the 'Publish Statements / Generate Parent Lounge payment details' option on the 'Print' tab.

Even if you don't allow 'published' statements to be viewed in Parent Lounge you MUST run this process so that internal copies of the statements are generated and saved against each parent's accounts. These statements are then accessible through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions.

After all the statements have been successfully printed, emailed and published, use this program to flag transactions as having appeared on statements.

This will ensure that:

  • Internal PDF copies of statements match the Account Summary and Ledger information on the parent account record.

  • The PDF statement available in Parent Lounge matches the 'Last Statement Balance' figure displayed to parents.

Make sure that you use the same 'Transaction Cut-off Date' that you used when generating statements.

  • Complete


Re-commence all transactions processing in Parent Accounts including receipting.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Automated Credit Apply.

Apply credits which have been generated by the Auto Billing using Automated Credit Apply. Select the billing date to ensure sibling discounts are not applied against overdue balances.

  • Complete

Use steps 13 to 17 when generating subsequent and reminder statements.


Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits > Automated Credit Apply.

 Make sure that all credits have been applied 

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Account > Receipting > Automated Receipt Apply.

 Make sure that all receipts have been applied

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

Generate reminder statements for parents with a payment schedule using the 'Payment Schedules' button.

Use the 'Generate Reminder Statements with Parent Schedules' option to display schedules with:

  • The payments that they have made.

  • Outstanding amounts.

  • Overdue amounts (where applicable).

Make sure you update the 'Transaction Cut-Off Date' to include all transactions up to the reminder date.

Additional charges or credits added after payment schedules were generated will not be included in subsequent statements generated.

View your Statements as PDF's on the screen to ensure they are correct.

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

If your school emails statements to parents, repeat Step 15 except this time use the 'Deliver via email where possible' option on the 'Print' tab.  

  • Complete


Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

Repeat Step 15 except this time use the 'Publish Statements / Generate Parent Lounge payment details' option on the 'Print' tab.

Even if you don't allow 'published' statements to be viewed in Parent Lounge you MUST run this process so that internal copies of the statements are generated and saved against each parent's accounts. These statements are then accessible through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry.

  • Complete

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