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The Events module provides the facility to:

  • Create detailed events and payments

  • Approve events and payments

  • Invite students to events

  • Accept and decline students for events

  • Automatically create linked School Calendar events when events are approved

  • Send emails, SMS and notifications to invited students and/or their parents

  • Create mail merges for the parents of students invited on an event and accepted an event

  • Produce a student medical report

  • Create a custom roll of students who have accepted for an event.

  • Disseminate information on events to parents online through Parent Lounge

  • Allow parents to accept and pay for their student's events online through Parent Lounge

  • Allow parents to verify that their student's medical details are up-to-date for events online through Parent Lounge.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The following permissions enable access to this program.
System Admin > User Maintenance > Portal Security Permissions



View Events and Payments

'Events and Payments'

Add Events

'Events and Payments (Add)'

Edit Events

'Events and Payments (Edit)'

Delete Events

'Events and Payments (Delete)'

Approve Events

'Events and Payments (Approve)'

Invite, Accept, Decline Students & generate reports

'Events and Payments (Student Processing & Reports)'


Access to General Ledger Accounts is via:
TASS.web > Finance > General Ledger > Account and Journal Info > Accounts

Create {Custom} Roll

'Custom Rolls' and 'Create Custom Rolls'

Creating Events with Payments

The general entry process includes:

  1. Add a new event with the details

  2. Enter associated costing details (optional)

  3. Enter Notes (optional)

  4. Add Options (optional)

  5. Invite students (by bulk or individually)

  6. Create a custom roll (optional)

  7. Approve events

Check out the Events and Payments Overview video.

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