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Events and Payments - Costings

Select 'Costings' from the hamburger menu in the 'Action' column to manage the sell price and costings per student of an event.

You must have account responsibility to be able to add payment details for an event. 

Event Income

Fields that require further explanation

Unit Sell Price

  • Nett — The price (excluding GST) for a student to participate in the event.

  • Tax — The GST component (if any) of the event cost.

  • Total — A system-generated field (Nett + Tax).


The Unit Sell Price cannot be changed after students have been invited.

Sell Price Grid

The Sell Price Grid enables a user to enter multiple GL Detail lines for an event.

Select '+ Add' button to enter a new GL Detail Line for an event.


When Payments and Pending Payments exist for the Event this button will not be displayed.

In Approve Mode this button will not be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation

GL Account

GL account code for this line item.


When the user does NOT have responsibility for any GL accounts the field will be greyed out and not editable.

The GL Accounts displayed in the dropdown list are determined by 'Responsibility Levels' in the TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Account & Journal Info > Accounts on the Responsibility tab.

If the period and year relating to the event is not open in the GL an alert icon will be displayed.

If the account is not open for the currently selected start date then an alert icon will be displayed.

GL Description

Add a description of the GL Code.

Gross Amount

Add the Gross Amount for the line item.

Tax Code

Add Tax Code for the line item.

Tax Amount

The tax amount will be calculated automatically after entry of the Gross Amount.

After the tax amount is populated by the system, the user can override its value.


The tax amount will be rounded to the nearest cent.

Nett Amount

Nett Amount will be calculated automatically.

Edit and Delete Links


When Payments and Pending Payments exist for the Event these links will not be displayed.

In Approve Mode these links will not be displayed.

Schedule of Expenses

The 'Schedule of Expenses' panel allows you to enter an estimate or projection of the expenses involved in running the event. Once this has been completed, you can calculate the cost per student based on the projected number of attendees.

The 'Total per head' or cost per student can then be compared with the 'Unit Sell Price' to determine the potential surplus or deficit per student likely from running the event.

Fields that require further explanation


Enter the estimated 'Nett' and 'Tax' accommodation costs for the event. The 'Total' field is an automatically generated field which will be calculated based on the 'Nett' and 'Tax amounts entered.


Enter the estimated 'Nett' and Tax' meal costs for the event. The 'Total' field is an automatically generated field which will be calculated based on the 'Nett' and 'Tax amounts entered.


Enter the estimated 'Nett' and Tax' transportation costs for the event. The 'Total' field is an automatically generated field which will be calculated based on the 'Nett' and 'Tax amounts entered.


Enter the estimated 'Nett' and Tax' costs for any activities that may take place during the event. The 'Total' field is an automatically generated field which will be calculated based on the 'Nett' and 'Tax' amounts entered.


Enter any other estimated 'Nett' and Tax' costs associated with the event. The 'Total' field is an automatically generated field which will be calculated based on the 'Nett' and 'Tax amounts entered.


A system-generated field that will be calculated based on the 'Total' amounts calculated for estimated 'Accommodation', 'Meal', 'Transport', 'Activities' and 'Other' costs.

No. of Students

Enter the number of students who are expected to be attending the event.

Total Per Head

A system-generated field that will be calculated based on the 'Total' and 'No. of Student' fields. This field once generated will display the cost to attend the event per student.

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