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Events and Payments


The Events and Payments dashboard provides summary information of the Events and Payments and associated student participant status. When you access the program, the screen will display a list of Events and Payments for the current year which have invited students. 

This program allows you to:

  • Search for existing events

  • Create a Custom Roll of students who are attending an event (Click here for more information)

  • Print a list for multiple events that include numbers invited and numbers accepted

  • Print a list for an individual event detailing students invited, accepted or not accepted

  • Print a medical details report for all students invited or attending an event

Searching for Events

The 'Events and Payments' screen provides the facility to search for existing events and payments using various search criteria. Use the other filters at the top of the screen to return a different list of Events based on:

  • Teacher

  • Event Status

  • Year

Only those years with defined events will be included in the 'Years' filter. 

  • Event Description

To sort a column to either ascending or descending order, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

Right-click on the column heading to remove/add columns into the Events List.

Printing Out a Report for Students Attending an Event

Refer to Printing Out a Report for Students Attending an Event.

Available Actions

The available actions are accessible via a 'hamburger menu'.




View the Events and Payments details.

For further details on the Events and Payments fields, click here.

Bulk Assign

Bulk assign/invite students to the event.

For further details on the fields in the Bulk assign/invite screen click here.


Manage individual students invited to the event. 

For further details on the fields in the Individual assign/invite screen click here.


Edit the details of the event and its payments.

For further details on the Events and Payments fields click here.


Manage the event costings and GL Account details for the event.

For further details on the fields in the Costings screen click here.


Add notes to the event and payments.

For further details on the fields in the Notes screen click here.


Manage options and option costings for the event.

For further details on the fields in the Options screen click here.

Create Custom Roll

Create a custom roll for the event ready for marking that includes all students that are approved to attend this event. 

Click here for more information on custom rolls.


Approve event.

For further details on approving events, click here.


Delete event.

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