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Manage Individual Students

Select the Student option from the 'Action' column to manage the Students invited to an event. The screen displays the list of all students who have been invited to the event, their school year and their status (Invited, Accepted or Declined). Using this modal you can:

  • Filter the list of students by status

  • Edit a student's status

  • Add a new student

  • Manage the student's event options ('Accepted' only)

  • Grid Entry Program to bulk assign student status.

If you do not see any options available, review the event's options to ensure they are active.

+ Add Students

Use this option to invite additional students to the event.

A new screen will be loaded with a lookup option to search for the student(s) to invite.


To change the status of a student. Three options are available:

  1. Invited

  2. Accepted

  3. Declined

If the accepted student was accepted and paid by the parent in Parent Lounge, it will not be possible to change them to 'Invited'.

If the declined student was originally accepted and paid by the parent in Parent Lounge, it will not be possible to change them to 'Invited'.

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