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Inviting Students to an Event in Bulk

Select the ‘plus symbol’ icon in the 'Action' column to invite students to an event in bulk. There are several ways in which you can select the students who you want to invite to this event

  • Students

  • A subject class

  • Extra Curricular Activity

  • Events & Payments - Current

  • Events & Payments - Completed

  • Groups

  • My Saved Lists

Select from the filter options and click GO then use the 'Arrow' action icons to move the highlighted students to the 'Students Allocated to Event' column.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Click 'Save' to complete the Invitation process.

Once students have been invited to attend an event, the event will be available for parents to accept/decline online in Parent Lounge.

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