Cloning an Event and Payment
The 'Clone' button at the top of the screen in the 'Events and Payments' list can be used to copy the details of Events and Payments (EP) to a new Event.
When an event is cloned, a copy of the original event's attachments will be created and added to the new event. If the 'Clone Notes' or 'Clone Event Options' checkboxes are selected, copies of any Notes and/or Options attachments will also be copied to the new event.
Existing Event | Use the search in the 'Existing Event' by entering the first three characters of the 'Description' or the event 'Number' to identify an Event to clone. |
Event Details | Edit the event details. |
Clone Students | Select this for all students who were invited to the original event to be invited to this event. |
Clone Event Options | Select this for all of the options available for the original event to be available for this event. This option will be greyed out when the user does not have responsibility for all GL Accounts associated with the event being cloned. |
Clone Costings | Select this for all of the costings of the original event to be available for this event. This option will be greyed out when the user does not have responsibility for all GL Accounts associated with the event being cloned. |
Clone Notes | Select this for all of the notes of the original event to be included in this event. |
Clone To New Event | Enter a new name for the event (up to 60 characters). |
If an event is Cloned and saved as Outstanding, Approvers will be notified via the 'Notifications' button on the Staff Kiosk Toolbar.