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Parameters (Setup) (Events)

There is an option available when adding or editing an Event to force the parents to acknowledge:

  • A set of general terms and conditions.

  • The current medical data for their child is correct.

This program allows you to set up the text that will be displayed to parents when they accept an Event through Parent Lounge.

Fields that require further explanation

Events & Payments Setups

Term & Conditions Acknowledgement Text

The actual terms and conditions document can be attached to the event using program Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details.

The text entered here would normally not be the conditions, but would be the message that the parent needs to acknowledge, e.g. 'I have read the Terms and Conditions for this Event and confirm that these are understood and acceptable to me'.

Medical Details Acknowledgement Text

There is an option to enforce this for a event using program Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details.

The text entered here would be the message that the parent needs to acknowledge, e.g. 'I have reviewed the medical details you are holding for my child and confirm that they are correct'.

Parent Lounge Parameters

The following autohide options, control how events are displayed on the Parent Lounge portal.

Auto Hide Past

Tick this option to hide Events that have already ended, i.e. Events that have an end date prior to today’s date.

Auto Hide Declined

Tick this option to hide Events that have been 'Declined'.

Auto Hide Closed

Tick this option to hide Events that have been 'Closed'.

School Calendar Parameters

Event Category

A school calendar event can automatically be created in Staff Kiosk program Calendar > School Calendar (Maintain) when an Event is approved using Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details. After the event is created, the details of the calendar event are linked to the event.

Use this field to indicate the calendar 'Event Category' that will be used when linked calendar events are created.

Click here for an Administrator Note

Event categories are set up and maintained in Staff Kiosk Calendar > Event Categories (Setup).

Event Display Colour

A school calendar event can automatically be created in Staff Kiosk program Calendar > School Calendar (Maintain) when an event is approved using Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details. After the event is created, the details of the calendar event are linked to the event.

Use this field to indicate the colour that calendar events will be displayed in.

Select the 'Save' button to complete.

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