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ATT - General Tab (SU)


The ‘General’ tab in the Attendance Setup program contains several key parameter sections for configuring attendance management, including Attendance Parameters, Absentee Type Parameters, and Staff Kiosk Parameters.

Attendance Parameters

Fields that require detailed information

Current Year/Period

Indicate the current attendance year and period from those set up on the 'Attendance Periods' tab.

Rollcall Type

Although multiple 'Rollcall Types' have been supported in the software for many years, with the introduction of the mandated Australian Government STATS reporting and the introduction of Data Analytics, all schools must now only use 'C = Class'.

Teachers in middle and senior schools should mark the roll for every class. 

For information regarding exporting attendance information for the Department of Education and Training's Non-Government School's Student Attendance System (STATS) refer to the online help for TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Student Attend - STATS (Aus).

Therefore from TASS.web v44 onwards the following 'Rollcall Types' should not be used and are no longer supported:

  • 'D = Daily'.

  • 'M = AM/PM'.

  • 'W = Weekly'.

If your school is running a 'Rollcall Type' other than 'C = Class' then you should follow the How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Online Attendance Capture guide.

Once you have set up your attendance module to use 'C = Class' as the 'Rollcall Type' you need to indicate the periods/lessons that will be 'Rollcall Periods'. This is done using TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup information > Timetable Setup on the 'Periods' tab. 

The 'Mark Roll' option will then be available to teachers in Staff Kiosk Rollcall in all periods where the 'Rollcall' indicator = 'Yes' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup information > Timetable Setup on the 'Periods' tab.

Based on the Absentee Types and their respective 'Teacher Flags' detailed in this help above, the following rules will apply when teachers mark the roll:

  • In the first rollcall period, teachers can only enter 'Absent from School'. 

  • If a student is marked 'Absent from School' then in subsequent periods this will be displayed, e.g. To other teachers teaching this student.

  • If a student is marked 'Absent from School' a teacher cannot change this to a 'Late for School'. Students have to go to the office if they are late or use the TASS ASR (Attendance Self Registration).
    Some schools (e.g. Primaries) may allow the students who are late, to go straight to class. If your school does this, refer to the Absentee Types  help.

  • 'Absent for Morning' and 'Absent for Afternoon' will not be available for teachers to use.

  • 'Early Departure' will not be available for teachers to use. A student who is leaving early must register at the office or use the TASS ASR (Attendance Self Registration).

  • 'Absent Part Day' will not be available for teachers to use. A student who is leaving for part of the day must register at the office or use the TASS ASR (Attendance Self Registration).  

'Rollcall Type' does not affect the operation of student absence entry when the records are keyed directly into TASS.web using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Absence Entry.

Deletion Password

If a password is entered in this field, then it will be required to be entered when deleting an absentee record using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Attendance.

Absentee Type Parameters

Fields that require detailed information

Abs. from School to Absent Part Day

This is where you map the 'Absentee Types' (codes and definitions) that your school has set up on the 'Absentee Types' tab against the mandatory types required for TASS attendance.

Teacher Kiosk Parameters

This section references 'Teacher Kiosk (TK)'.  From Version 53 'Teacher Kiosk' was renamed to 'Staff Kiosk'.

Fields that require detailed information

Limit teachers to mark the roll within the current timetabled period only

Tick this box to stop teachers entering absentee records in past timetable periods when they are using Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

Leave it un-ticked to allow teachers to enter absentee records in past timetable periods.

Allow teachers to edit absentee records marked by other teachers

Tick this box to allow teachers to edit absentee records that have been entered by other teachers using Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

Leave it un-ticked to stop teachers editing absentee records that have been entered by other teachers.

Default reason for TK Rollcall

With the introduction of Staff Kiosk data Analytics in TASS.web Version 44, the entry of an 'Absentee Reason' becomes a mandatory field when an absentee record is entered through Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

The Version 44 upgrade will insert a generic reason called 'TK5 default Reason' with an 'Acceptable' flag of 'No'.

Immediately after the upgrade, you need to change this to one of your school's 'Absentee Reasons', e.g. 'No Reason'. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the 'Absentee Reason' that you select has the correct 'Acceptable' flag. What you are effectively doing here, is nominating whether an absentee record entered by a teacher carries an acceptable or not acceptable flag, if the teacher does not use the 'Detailed Entry' option to select a different 'Absentee Reason'.


You can only change this parameter once. Take time to understand the ramifications of this, before proceeding.

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