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ATT - Absentee Reasons Tab (SU)


The ‘Absentee Reasons’ tab in Attendance Setup is used to:

  • Record the reasons that can be entered against student absence records.

  • Define the reasons that students can use when they register themselves as late for school (using the Attendance Self Registration portal).

  • Define the reasons that students can use when they register that they are leaving school grounds (using the Attendance Self Registration portal).

All recorded absences made via the ASR system are logged in the portal audit log. 

To create a new reason, click the 'New Reason' button.


Untick this box if this 'Absentee Reason' is redundant and not to be used anymore.

If unticked, it will not be available in the following programs:

…and Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Class Rollcall.


This field may be up to 30 characters, including spaces.


This field is used to define whether this absentee reason is an acceptable reason for an absence record.

It allows students to be marked away from school for acceptable reasons such as school excursions and sports engagements.

Non-acceptable reasons should include all reasons where parental acknowledgement or a doctor's certificate is required.

Only absences with non-acceptable reasons are included in SMS notifications, Academic Reports, letter merges to parents and the Australian Government STATS reporting using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Student Attend. – STATS (Aus).

Acknowledge in Parent Lounge

To allow parents to use this reason when acknowledging absentee records in Parent Lounge set this to 'Yes'. 

The absence acknowledgement function for parents is located in program Parent Lounge Homepage Menu > Absences.

To activate this functionality in Parent Lounge:

  • the 'Allow parental acknowledgement of absences using Parent Lounge' option must also be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the ‘Parent Lounge’ tab, and

  • the 'Absence Acknowledgement' and 'Attendance' user security permissions must be enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Parent Lounge

Add in Parent Lounge

To allow parents to submit absentee notifications in Parent Lounge using this 'Absentee Reason', set this to 'Yes'. The 'View in Parent Lounge' flag below must also be set to 'Yes' for this 'Absentee Reason'.

The absence notification function for parents is located in program Parent Lounge top menu Student Details > Attendance.

To activate this functionality in Parent Lounge:

  • the 'Allow parents to enter Absence Notifications using Parent Lounge' option must also be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the ‘Parent Lounge’ tab, and

  • the 'Attendance' user security permission must be enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Parent Lounge

ASR Late Arrival

Set this field to 'Yes' to make this reason available to students when they register themselves as being late for school using the Attendance Self Registration portal.

ASR Early Departure

Set this field to 'Yes' to make this reason available to students when they register that they are leaving school grounds using the Attendance Self Registration system.

You would set this field to 'Yes' for reasons covering scenarios such as:

  • Students who are leaving school for the day (for example doctor's appointment, illness etc.)

  • Students who are leaving school and will be returning later in the day (for example work experience, sports event etc.)

ASR Sort

Use this field to determine the order that reasons will appear in the Attendance Self Registration portal.

ASR Comment Flag

Set this field to 'Yes' to force students to enter an additional comment when they select this reason in the Attendance Self Registration portal.

For example, you may allow students to select the reason 'Other' when they use the Attendance Self Registration portal. This reason does not provide enough information therefore they are required to enter a comment.

Click the 'Print' icon at the top of the screen to print a listing of 'Absentee Reasons'.

For more information on how to set up the 'Attendance Self Registration' portal, refer to How to Setup the Attendance Self Registration Portal (ASR).

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