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This tab allows the recording of MCEECDYA (formerly known as MCEETYA) information.

Specific student information as required by the Australian Government can be recorded:

  • Indigenous status.
  • Country of birth.
  • Year of arrival in Australia.
  • LOTE (Languages Other Than English) spoken at home.

Specific parent information as required by the Australian Government can be recorded:

  • LOTE (Languages Other Than English) spoken at home.
  • Level of school education.
  • Level of non-school education.
  • Occupation Group.

In the 'Parent Guardian Info' sections, ensure that:

'Parent / Guardian 1' data is for the 'Mother / Parent 1' listed on the Parents tab.

'Parent / Guardian 2' data is for the 'Father / Parent 2' fields on the Parents tab.

Split Family Access Visibility

For students with Split Family Access, you can determine which parents can view this data in Parent Lounge/Parent Orbit.  To hide this data from parents, tick the 'Hide in Parent Lounge' checkbox in the relevant column. 

Language codes are defined and managed in Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Countries, Languages and Residency Status. 

Government departments may require a Language code to be entered for English.
   For example: 'Language Other Than English' = 'English Only'

Please refer to the government for the accepted data codes.

**This Terminology is defined by the government**


Users require MCEECDYA security permissions to access MCEECDYA data. 

Program Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > MCEECDYA Grid (AUS) can be used to:

  • Simultaneously display and update MCEECDYA information for multiple student records (Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood, Development and Youth Affairs).
  • Create an Excel® file that contains MCEEDYA data for a range of students.

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