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How to Generate the SchoolsHub STATS XML

This checklist guides users on how to generate the XML file required for SchoolsHub STATS submissions at the end of Semester 1 and Term 3.

Before completing this checklist, it is important to familiarise yourself with the STATS documentation on the SchoolsHub website.


Menu Path

Task / Details



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > TASS Software Update

Check that you are running the latest TASS version.

Contact your Adminstrator if an update is required.



TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Contact Info' tab.

Complete the ‘STATS Location Details'.

In the 'STATS Location Details' section, enter the details for your school's designated STATS contact person. These details will be exported as a part of the XML export from the ‘Student Attend. – STATS (Aus)’ program.

This information will not be included in PDF or Excel exports.



Individual Students: TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the ‘MCEECDYA' tab.

In Bulk: TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > MCEECDYA Grid (Aus)

Ensure the ‘Indigenous Status’ field is populated.

Check that all students enrolled during the STATS collection period have the correct Indigenous Status populated in the 'Indigenous Status' field.

This can be done individually or in bulk using the TASS.web programs mentioned in the ‘Menu Paths’ column of this checklist.

How to generate the MCEECDYA Grid for students who were enrolled and/or current students during the collection period:

On the ‘General’ Tab:

  • Set the ‘Date of Entry’ field to be ‘Less than’ the end date of your STATS attendance collection period.

  • Set the ‘Date of Leaving’ field to ‘Is NULL’.

On the ‘Process’ Tab:

  • Select Student Field: Ind. Status.

  • Click ‘GO’ to generate your grid.

How to generate the MCEECDYA Grid for students who were current and departed during the collection period:

On the ‘General’ Tab:

  • Set the ‘Date of Entry’ field to be ‘Less than’ the end date of your STATS attendance collection period.

  • Set the ‘Date of Leaving’ field to be ‘Greater than’ the start date of your STATS attendance collection period.

On the ‘Process’ Tab:

  • Select Student Field: Ind. Status.

  • Click ‘GO’ to generate your grid. 



TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Student Attend. - STATS (Aus)

Export STATS to PDF or Excel

On the ‘General’ tab:

  • The 'Year Group' and 'FTE' fields have been pre-filled by default, however, it is important that you check these against your school's requirements for reporting to SchoolsHub.

  • The 'Date of Entry' and 'Date of Leaving' fields are not editable and will be populated based on the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' entered on the 'Process' tab.

Check the STATS documentation on SchoolsHub and select any additional filters as required on the ‘General’ tab and/or ‘User Defined’ tab.

On the ‘Process’ tab:

  • In the ‘Data Options' and ‘Absentee Parameters’ sections, complete all of the mandatory fields marked with a red star *.

For more information about what to enter in each field, hover over the green ‘question mark’ icons and refer to the ‘Student Attend. - STATS (Aus)’ article.

  • In the ‘Nominate the Non-School Days’ section, click the ‘Load School Dates’ button then move any non-school dates into the ‘Non-School Days’ field (if required).

Refer to STATS documentation on SchoolsHub for more information about ‘Non-School Days'.

  • In the ‘Export To’ section, select PDF or Excel.

  • Read the statement in the ‘Acknowledgement’ section and tick the checkbox if correct.

  • Click the ‘GO’ to generate your report.



TASS Knowledge Base > FAQS > Attendance FAQS > STATS (Aus) Returns FAQ

Check the data in your PDF or Excel report.

To check your data, refer to:


TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Student Attend. - STATS (Aus)

Export STATS to XML.

Once you’ve checked the report in PDF or Excel mode, you can generate the XML file.

After applying any filters/run-time options used in Step 4, select ‘XML’ in the export option on the ‘Process’ tab, then click the ‘GO’ to generate your report.




Upload your file to SchoolsHub.

The XML file is exported in the format required and does not need to be transferred to the SchoolsHub template. Upload as is.


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