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SLS - Sale Entry


The School Shop ‘Sale Entry’ program is a point-of-sale program that allows the following transaction types:

If your school is running the TASS.web Commercial Debtors module, then this program may also be set up to process:

Use the page contents on the right to locate detailed descriptions on how to process sale or credits for each of these transaction types.

There is also a reference document that details the setup required to achieve all of the sale/credit types listed above.  Click on this link for further information on 'Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop'.

Cash Sales/Credits

Use the 'Tab' key to move from field to field during the sale process. 

The fields below in blue are deliberately not accessed through a 'Tab' key movement to allow rapid invoice entry for the majority of sales instances (by keeping the mandatory keystrokes to a minimum). These fields are optional fields that are accessed by the mouse and cater for more complex scenarios to be processed.

Invoice/Credit Header

Sale Type

From the picklist choose 'Cash Sale' or key in 'C'.

Transaction Type

From the picklist choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit' or key in 'I' or 'C'.


This field will default to today's date for the first sale, and then defaults to the date used on the last transaction, but can be overridden.

Comment 1/Comment 2

These comment fields can be used to record up to 60 characters. Information keyed here appears on the cash sale docket and on the report generated by program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Daily Transactions Report.

You could use these fields to record the student's name for this cash sale.

Transaction Grid

Stock Code

Enter a valid stock code or scan the item for sale.

If you receive a message 'This code is inactive – please try again', it means that you are attempting to sell a stock item that has a flag of 'N' in the 'Active' field in program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Where the Stock Code entered is for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item then the 'Invoice/Credit Line Details' screen will be opened automatically, and the cursor will be positioned in the 'GL Account Code' field.

If you have General Ledger integration running for this shop, this is a mandatory field as it is required to complete the income side of the General Ledger sales journal.

A 'Miscellaneous' stock code is set up using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock where the 'Misc Stock Code' checkbox has been ticked.

Detailed Entry

A click on the 'Detailed Entry' button will open the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

You would use this option if you need to:

  • Lookup the stock code.

  • Enter additional information on the 'Line Description' (e.g. to enter a size or colour for the stock item).

  • Override the tax amount.

  • Enter details for the sale of a 'Miscellaneous' stock item.

The additional fields that are available using this sale option are:

  • Stock Code 'Lookup' icon.

  • GL Account Code — only applicable (and mandatory) for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item. This will determine the income side of the General Ledger sales journal for this stock item.

  • Line Description.

  • Unit Tax.

Once you have completed details in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen, click 'Save' to return to the 'Transaction Grid'.

Click 'Cancel' to return to the 'Transaction Grid' without saving the details you have entered in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

Special Price

Click this button to change the selling price to the 'Special Price' for this stock item as set up using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Add to Sale

Once you are satisfied with this line item, click this link (or press 'Enter' when the cursor is on this link) to add it to this sale.  

The details of this line will then be displayed in the section directly below, and the transaction grid is ready for you to add another line item.

If you click on this link with an empty line item, you will get the following error message 'You must enter a Stock code before you can add this line to the sale'.

If you attempt to finalise the sale without adding a line item, you will receive the following error message 'Cannot save an Invoice/Credit with no Transaction Lines'.

Docket Printer

This will be a picklist that displays the valid docket printers that have been set up using program System Admin > Users > Printer Definitions.

For the first sale that you make in this session, the default docket printer will be the one that has been defined for this shop using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup.

For the second and subsequent sales in this session, the default will be the Printer selected for the previous cash sale.

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

Click here to view a Docket with Multiple Payments.

Click here to view a Docket with Change Given.

Use the 'Cash Sale Reprint' icon at the top of the screen to print an existing cash sale docket.

This program has a 'Speed Mode' option that is designed to work with a scanner for rapid ('Supermarket style') entry of line items.

This is turned on using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup using the 'Speed Mode Flag' on the 'Parameters' tab.

The difference occurs around the 'Stock Code' field in the 'Transaction Grid'. This is a summary of how the program works in both modes:

Using a Scanner

Keying in Stock Code

Speed Mode enabled

Scan barcode. The program will assume a 'Qty' of one.  
It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter'. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the entry of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item. 

Speed Mode disabled

Scan barcode. The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter' or 'Tab'.

The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Cash Sale - Payment Details

Four different payment types are supported for cash sales:

  1. Cash.

  2. Cheque.

  3. EFTPOS.

  4. Plastic.

Any sale can include one or more of these payment types.

The system also supports 'Cash Out' facilities where the payment type is 'Cheque' or 'EFTPOS'.

As an example, a parent may have sent in a cheque for $50.00, and the sale value is only $48.00. The program will calculate the $2.00 difference and present it as 'Cash Out'.

For a sale with multiple payment types that includes cash, the cash line must be entered last.

The 'Open Drawer' icon at the top of the screen can be used to open the cash drawer without having to complete a sale. The function sends a 'No Sale' docket (with usual header etc.) to the docket printer with the draw open command (just like it does upon completion of a sale).

Three payment types are supported for credits:

  1. Cash.

  2. EFTPOS.

  3. Plastic.

 Payment Type

C = Cash, Q = Cheque, E = EFTPOS and P = Plastic.

The use of any payment type other than 'Cash' will automatically trigger a '[Payment Type] Details' screen, where additional information needs to be entered:


  • Cheque Number.

  • Bank (Mandatory).

  • Branch (Mandatory).

  • Drawer (Mandatory).


  • Card Type

  • Card Number
    This field is only relevant for 'Plastic' type transactions.

You should NEVER enter a complete credit card number in this field as whatever is entered here is stored in the database.

  • Cardholder's Name.

  • Expiry.


  • Card Type.

  • Card Number.

You should NEVER enter a complete credit card number in this field as whatever is entered here is stored in the database. If you do need to enter something here for a 'Plastic' transaction check with your financial institution as to what are the safe options, e.g. the number of digits to enter.

  • Cardholder's Name.

  • Expiry.

The information entered here can be printed on the bank deposit report generated using program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Bank Deposit Report.


For cash payment types, this field will round the 'Invoice Total' to the nearest multiple of 5cents and indicate the amount that it has rounded by in the 'Rounding' field.
It will also indicate the 'Change' to provide.

When cash is the payment type, apart from rounding of cents, the 'Tendered Amount' can't be less than the 'Invoice Total'.

Cheque, Credit Card and EFTPOS.
This will default to the 'Invoice Total' and should be overridden with the physical payment amount received. 
If the amount tendered is greater than the 'Invoice Total' then the difference will be displayed in the 'CASH OUT' field.

When 'Plastic' is the payment type, then the 'Tendered Amount' can't be greater than the 'Invoice Total'.

To clear all payment types and start again, click the 'Clear Payment Details' button.

 Click 'Save' and a confirmation message will be displayed. Click 'OK' to complete the Invoice and the docket will print and the cash drawer will open.

Touch Screen Operation

This program can also be run using a standard touch screen interface. Icons are available on the 'Payments Details' screen to enable touch selection for the four payment types: 





Touching these icons provides the same functionality as described in section 'Payment Type' directly above.

If you are processing a split payment transaction on a touch screen (e.g. part cheque, part cash), after entering in the first tendered amount you need to be able to navigate to the second payment type.

Use the right pointing arrow to navigate from the 'Tendered' field for the second payment type.

Use the left pointing arrow to navigate form the second payment back to the 'Tendered' field if required.

Student Sales/Credits

Use the 'Tab' key to move from field to field during the sale process. 

The fields below in blue are deliberately not accessed through a 'Tab' key movement to allow rapid invoice entry for the majority of sales instances (by keeping the mandatory keystrokes to a minimum).

These fields are optional fields that are accessed by the mouse and cater for more complex scenarios to be processed.

Invoice/Credit Header

Sale Type

From the picklist choose 'Student Sale' or key in 'S'.

Student Code

Enter a valid student code, student name or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find current, enrolled, non-current and future students, enter 3 or more characters of their Student Code or name and you will see a picklist of matching Students.

The program checks the types of students (day students or boarders) that are allowed to purchase on account from this shop (set up using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup on the 'Student Type' field). 

To find past students, enter their student code or click the binoculars icon to open the lookup screen and search.

You can enter the student's 'Alternative ID' instead of the 'Student Code'.

To search for enrolled students:

  • the enrolled student record must be associated with a Parent Record stored in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.  For more information on transferring Enrolled Parents from the enrolment phase to a Parent Record, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Transfer to Current.      

  • the student’s enrolment status must meet or exceed the minimum enrolment status stage defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Enrolments’ tab. The Student Enrolment Status is set in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment information > Enrolments > Enrolled Student on the ‘Status’ tab.

Transaction Type

From the picklist choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit' or key in 'I' or 'C'.


This field will default to today's date for the first sale, and then defaults to the date used on the last transaction, but can be overridden.

Comment 1/Comment 2

These comment fields can be used to record up to 60 characters.  Information keyed here appears on the printed student invoice and is saved on the transactional record on the student's account.

You could use these fields to record information such as a special condition relating to this sale regarding a return policy, e.g. Return tomorrow if the size is incorrect.

Transaction Grid

Stock Code

Enter a valid stock code or scan the item for sale.

If you receive a message 'This code is inactive – please try again', it means that you are attempting to sell a stock item that has a flag of 'N' in the 'Active' field in program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Where the Stock Code entered is for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item then the 'Invoice/Credit Line Details' screen will be opened automatically, and the cursor will be positioned in the 'GL Account Code' field.

If you have General Ledger integration running for this shop, this is a mandatory field as it is required to complete the income side of the General Ledger sales journal.

A 'Miscellaneous' stock code is set up using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock where the 'Misc Stock Code' checkbox has been ticked.

Detailed Entry

A click on the 'Detailed Entry' button will open the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

You would use this option if you need to:

  • Lookup the stock code.

  • Enter additional information on the 'Line Description' (e.g. to enter a size or colour for the stock item).

  • Override the tax amount.

  • Enter details for the sale of a 'Miscellaneous' stock item.

The additional fields that are available using this sale option are:

  • Stock Code 'Lookup' icon.

  • GL Account Code — only applicable (and mandatory) for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item. This will determine the income side of the General Ledger sales journal for this stock item.

  • Line Description.

  • Unit Tax.

  • Unit Cost (excl tax) — 'Miscellaneous' stock items only.

Once you have completed details in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen, click 'Save' to return to the 'Transaction Grid'.

Click 'Cancel' to return to the 'Transaction Grid' without saving the details you have entered in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

Special Price

Click this button to change the selling price to the 'Special Price' for this stock item as set up using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Account Balance

This is an information-only field that displays the student's account balance at the commencement of this transaction.

You can force the system to take the tax code from the GL account code rather than the stock code when entering a CREDIT for a STUDENT or CASH SALE. To do this, you need to tick the 'Use GL Tax Code' box on the 'Tax Code' line of the credit.

The 'Use GL Tax Code' box is only available if:

  • The GL account contains a tax code or the tax code on the GL account is different from the tax code on the stock item.

  • The stock code is flagged as a 'Miscellaneous' stock.

Add to Sale

Once you are satisfied with this line item, click this link (or press 'Enter' when the cursor is on this link) to add it to this sale. 

The details of this line will then be displayed in the section directly below, and the transaction grid is ready for you to add another line item.

If you click on this link with an empty line item, you will get the following error message 'You must enter a Stock code before you can add this line to the sale'.

If you attempt to finalise the sale without adding a line item, you will receive the following error message 'Cannot save an Invoice/Credit with no Transaction Lines'.

Print Invoice

The program checks the 'Print Invoices' flag setup using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup to determine if an invoice is to be printed automatically as a result of this transaction. The default for this can be overridden.

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

This program has a 'Speed Mode' option that is designed to work with a scanner for rapid ('Supermarket style') entry of line items.

This is turned on using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup using the 'Speed Mode Flag' on the 'Parameters' tab.

The difference occurs around the 'Stock Code' field in the 'Transaction Grid'. This is a summary of how the program works in both modes:

Using a Scanner

Keying in Stock Code

Speed Mode enabled

Scan barcode. The program will assume a 'Qty' of one. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter'. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the entry of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item. 

Speed Mode disabled

Scan barcode. The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter' or 'Tab'.

The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Click 'Save' and a confirmation message will be displayed. Click 'OK' to complete the Invoice.

General Commercial Sale

This is a sale to a commercial customer — that is, a customer that is not linked to a school shop. This sale type does not use stock but allows for manual input of the invoice line item description (freeform).

It will only be available if your school has set up the TASS.web Commercial Debtors module.

Use the 'Tab' key to move from field to field during the sale process. 

The fields below in blue are deliberately not accessed through a 'Tab' key movement to allow rapid invoice entry for the majority of sales instances (by keeping the mandatory keystrokes to a minimum).

These fields are optional fields that are accessed by the mouse and cater for more complex scenarios to be processed.

Invoice/Credit Header

Sale Type

From the picklist choose 'General Commercial Sale' or key in 'G'.

All other sale types will display the shop name next to the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' description. 'General Commercial Sales' do not display the shop name on this line as they are not shop specific. They do not involve the sale of stock from a shop.

Customer Code

Enter a valid customer code or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find a Customer, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or any part of their Name and you will see a picklist of matching Customers.

Only customers that have not been allocated to buy from a school shop will be available here.  

Refer to the document 'Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop' for further information.

These are customers that have a 'Customer Type' that is not a department type and is not linked to a school shop through program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup.

The program will check that the customer is 'active' and is not 'on-hold'.

Transaction Type

From the picklist choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit' or key in 'I' or 'C'.


This field will default to today's date for the first sale, and then defaults to the date used on the last transaction, but can be overridden.

Terms (applicable when transaction type = invoice)

Payment terms will default to the terms that you have set up for this customer using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers. This can be overridden.

Credit Reason (applicable
when transaction type = credit)

If you are entering a credit, then this field will change to 'Credit Reason'. Credit reasons have been defined using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup.

Due Date (applicable when transaction type = invoice)

The program will apply the 'Term Code' to the invoice date to automatically calculate the payment due date for this invoice.

This can be overridden.

<Reference Text>

This is a school definable field that has been set up using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup on the 'User Defined' tab.

Therefore the text prompt that you see here has been created by your school.

An example of an invoice might be to record the customer's purchase order number. 

An example of a credit might be to record a credit memo number.


This will default to the salesperson set up for this customer using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers. This can be overridden.

Comment 1/Comment 2

These comment fields can be used to record up to 60 characters. 

You could use these fields to record information such as a special condition relating to this sale.

Transaction Grid

Account Balance

This is an information-only field that displays the customer's account balance at the commencement of this transaction.

Detailed Entry

A click on the 'Detailed Entry' button will open the 'Invoice/Credit Lines Detail' screen.

GL Account Code

This is the General Ledger account that will determine the income side of the General Ledger sales journal for this transaction.

Line Description

The description entered in this field will print on the invoice.


Enter the quantity being sold.

Tax Code

The default tax code displayed here is derived from the 'GL Account Code' entered above. Where there is no default on the GL account, it is then taken from the customer record. This can be overridden.

Unit Price (excl tax)

Enter the price per unit, excluding tax.

Unit Tax

This is automatically calculated based on the 'Tax Code' used above being applied to the 'Unit Price'.

Click or press 'Enter' on the 'Save' button to return to the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

Repeat this process to enter multiple line items to this invoice.

Click 'Edit' or 'Delete' in the 'Action' column on the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen to modify or delete a line item.

Once you are satisfied with this invoice, click or press 'Enter' on the 'Save' button.

Print Invoice

This field is not used for 'General Commercial Sales'. Invoices will not print immediately for this sale type. An invoice can be printed using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Listings and Reports > Invoice Credit Print.

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

Auto Apply (applicable when transaction type = credit)

When entering a credit, this field is ticked by default. When unticked, the 'Credit Apply' screen will be displayed when this credit is saved.

 Click 'Save' and a confirmation message will be displayed. Click 'OK' to complete the Invoice.

Shop Commercial Sales/Credits

This is a sale to a commercial customer that is linked to a specific school shop. This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items. It will only be available if your school has set up the TASS.web Commercial Debtors module.

Use the 'Tab' key to move from field to field during the sale process.

The fields below in blue are deliberately not accessed through a 'Tab' key movement to allow rapid invoice entry for the majority of sales instances (by keeping the mandatory keystrokes to a minimum).

These fields are optional fields that are accessed by the mouse and cater for more complex scenarios to be processed.

Invoice/Credit Header

Sale Type

From the pick list choose 'Shop Commercial Sale' or key in 'S'.

Depending on the sale types available for this shop you may need to key in 'S' twice to toggle between 'Student Sale' and 'Shop Commercial Sale'.

Customer Code

Enter a valid customer code or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find a Customer, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or any part of their Name and you will see a picklist of matching Customers.

Customers must have been set up to purchase from this shop. Refer to the document 'Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop' for further information.

The program will check that the customer is 'active' and is not 'on-hold'.

Transaction Type

From the picklist choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit' or key in 'I' or 'C'.


This field will default to today's date for the first sale, and then defaults to the date used on the last transaction, but can be overridden.

Terms (applicable when
transaction type = invoice)

Payment terms will default to the terms that you have set up for this customer using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers. This can be overridden.

Credit Reason (applicable when transaction type = credit)

If you are entering a credit, then this field will change to 'Credit Reason'.  Credit reasons have been defined using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup.

Due Date

The program will apply the 'Term Code' to the invoice date to automatically calculate the payment due date for this invoice.

This can be overridden.

Comment 1/Comment 2

These comment fields can be used to record up to 60 characters. Information keyed here appears on the printed student invoice and is saved on the transactional record on the customer's account.

You could use these fields to record information such as a special condition relating to this sale.

Transaction Grid

Stock Code

Enter a valid stock code or scan the item for sale.

If you receive a message 'This code is inactive – please try again', it means that you are attempting to sell a stock item that has a flag of 'N' in the 'Active' field in program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Where the Stock Code entered is for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item then the 'Invoice/Credit Line Details' screen will be opened automatically, and the cursor will be positioned in the 'GL Account Code' field.

If you have General Ledger integration running for this shop, this is a mandatory field as it is required to complete the income side of the General Ledger sales journal.

A 'Miscellaneous' stock code is a setup using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock where the 'Misc Stock Code' checkbox has been ticked.

Detailed Entry

A click on the 'Detailed Entry' button will open the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

You would use this option if you need to:

  • Lookup the stock code.

  • Enter additional information on the 'Line Description' (e.g. to enter a size or colour for the stock item).

  • Override the tax amount.

  • Enter details for the sale of a 'Miscellaneous' stock item.

  • Enter Unit Cost (excl tax).

The additional fields that are available using this sale option are:

  • Stock Code 'Lookup' icon.

  • GL Account Code — only applicable (and mandatory) for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item. This will determine the income side of the General Ledger sales journal for this stock item.

  • Line Description.

  • Unit Tax.

  • Unit Cost (excl tax) — 'Misc' stock item only.

Once you have completed details in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen, click 'Save' to return to the 'Transaction Grid'.

Click 'Cancel' to return to the 'Transaction Grid' without saving the details you have entered in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

Special Price

Click this button to change the selling price to the 'Special Price' for this stock item as setup using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Account Balance

This is an information-only field that displays the customer's account balance at the commencement of this transaction.

Add to Sale

Once you are satisfied with this line item, click this link (or press 'Enter' when the cursor is on this link) to add it to this sale. 

The details of this line will then be displayed in the section directly below, and the transaction grid is ready for you to add another line item.

If you click on this link with an empty line item, you will get the following error message 'You must enter a Stock code before you can add this line to the sale'.

If you attempt to finalise the sale without adding a line item, you will receive the following error message 'Cannot save an Invoice/Credit with no Transaction Lines'.

Print Invoice

The program checks the 'Print Invoices' flag set up using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup to determine if an invoice is to be printed automatically as a result of this transaction. The default for this can be overridden.  

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

This program has a 'Speed Mode' option that is designed to work with a scanner for rapid ('Supermarket style') entry of line items.

This is turned on using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup using the 'Speed Mode Flag' on the 'Parameters' tab.

The difference occurs around the 'Stock Code' field in the 'Transaction Grid'. This is a summary of how the program works in both modes:

Using a Scanner

Keying in Stock Code

Speed Mode enabled

Scan barcode. The program will assume a 'Qty' of one. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item. 

Key in stock code and press 'Enter'. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the entry of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item. 

Speed Mode disabled

Scan barcode. The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter' or 'Tab'.

The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Click 'Save' and a confirmation message will be displayed. Click 'OK' to complete the Invoice.

Department Sales/Credits

This is a sale to an internal department customer. This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items.

It will only be available if your school has set up the TASS.web Commercial Debtors module (departments are set up as customers in Commercial Debtors).

Use the 'Tab' key to move from field to field during the sale process.

The fields below in blue are deliberately not accessed through a 'Tab' key movement to allow rapid invoice entry for the majority of sales instances (by keeping the mandatory keystrokes to a minimum).

These fields are optional fields that are accessed by the mouse and cater for more complex scenarios to be processed.

Invoice/Credit Header

Sale Type

From the picklist choose 'Department Sale' or key in 'D'. 

Customer Code

Enter a valid department or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find a Customer, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or any part of their Name and you will see a picklist of matching Customers.

When a department is set up, it is automatically enabled to be able to purchase from all shops. Refer to the document 'Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop' for further information. 

Transaction Type

From the picklist choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit' or key in 'I' or 'C'.


This field will default to today's date for the first sale, and then defaults to the date used on the last transaction, but can be overridden.

Comment 1/Comment 2

These comment fields can be used to record up to 60 characters. Information keyed here appears on the printed department invoice.

You could use these fields to record information such as a special condition relating to this sale.

Transaction Grid

Stock Code

Enter a valid stock code or scan the item for sale.

If you receive a message 'This code is inactive – please try again', it means that you are attempting to sell a stock item that has a flag of 'N' in the 'Active' field in program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Where the Stock Code entered is for a 'Miscellaneous' stock item then the 'Invoice/Credit Line Details' screen will be opened automatically, and the cursor will be positioned in the 'GL Account Code' field.

If you have General Ledger integration running for this shop, this is a mandatory field as it is required to complete the income side of the General Ledger sales journal.

A 'Miscellaneous' stock code is set up using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock where the 'Misc Stock Code' checkbox has been ticked.

Detailed Entry

A click on the 'Detailed Entry' button will open the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

You would use this option if you need to:

  • Lookup the stock code.

  • Override the default department expense account.

  • Enter additional information on the 'Line Description' (e.g. to enter a size or colour for the stock item).

  • Enter details for the sale of a 'Miscellaneous' stock item.

The additional fields that are available using this sale option are:

  • Stock Code 'Lookup' icon.

  • Department Expense Account (you can override the default if necessary by entering in a valid expense account or by using the lookup):

    • Line Description

    • Unit Cost (excl. tax) — 'Miscellaneous' stock item only.

Once you have completed details in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen, click 'Save' to return to the 'Transaction Grid'.

Click 'Cancel' to return to the 'Transaction Grid' without saving the details you have entered in the 'Invoice/Credit Detail' screen.

Special Price

Click this button to change the selling price to the 'Special Price' for this stock item as setup using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock.

Add to Sale

Once you are satisfied with this line item, click this link (or press 'Enter' when the cursor is on this link) to add it to this sale. 

The details of this line will then be displayed in the section directly below, and the transaction grid is ready for you to add another line item.

If you click on this link with an empty line item, you will get the following error message 'You must enter a Stock code before you can add this line to the sale'.

If you attempt to finalise the sale without adding a line item, you will receive the following error message 'Cannot save an Invoice/Credit with no Transaction Lines'.

Print Invoice

The program checks the 'Print Invoices' flag setup using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup to determine if an invoice is to be printed automatically as a result of this transaction. The default for this can be overridden.

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

This program has a 'Speed Mode' option that is designed to work with a scanner for rapid ('Supermarket style') entry of line items.

This is turned on using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup using the 'Speed Mode Flag' on the 'Parameters' tab.

The difference occurs around the 'Stock Code' field in the 'Transaction Grid'. This is a summary of how the program works in both modes:

Using a Scanner

Keying in Stock Code

Speed Mode enabled

Scan barcode. The program will assume a 'Qty' of one. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter'. 

It will automatically add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the entry of the next item.

To edit the quantity when operating in this mode, click on the 'Edit' link on the line item. 

Speed Mode disabled

Scan barcode. The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

Key in stock code and press 'Enter' or 'Tab'.

The cursor will move to the 'Qty' field. Override the 'Qty' field if applicable and/or press 'Enter'.

It will add this line to the sale and position the cursor back in the 'Stock Code' field ready for the scanning of the next item.

 Click 'Save' and a confirmation message will be displayed. Click 'OK' to complete the Invoice.

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