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CD - Commercial Debtors Setup (SU)


The ‘Commercial Debtors Setup’ program is where you can:

  • set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for commercial debtors processing.

  • set up and maintain contact information that is printed on the customer's invoices and statements.

  • set up email information that is used by the module when emailing invoices and statements to customers.

  • create and maintain user defined fields on the Commercial Debtors invoice entry screen, credit entry screen and on the Commercial Debtors customer record.

  • define Customer Types.

  • define messages that will print on Statements.

  • create and maintain standard messages.

  • create and maintain credit reasons.

  • create and maintain hold sales reasons.

  • define the set of Payment Terms that you provide for your customers.

  • maintain records for Sales Persons.

  • create and maintain notes categories for entering and retrieving customer notes.

Refer to the tab details sections below for more information.

To edit any of these parameters, click on the 'Edit' icon at the top of the screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.


Once the initial parameters have been established for this module and processing has commenced, subsequent changes should be avoided.  Changes should only be made if you are absolutely sure of the ramifications to transaction processing.

Parameters Tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for commercial debtors processing. General Ledger integration is specified on this tab.

Commercial Debtors Parameters

Usual Bank Account

General Ledger account for the default bank that is used by the receipting program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transactions > Receipts.

The lookup window will only display General Ledger accounts that have been linked to bank accounts using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Bank Accounts' tab.

Comm Debtors Control Account

General Ledger debtors control account for this module.


Do not use the same control account that you have nominated for parent debtors in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup.

Tax Account

The General Ledger tax account for this module. Australian schools would use a 'GST Collected on Commercial Debtors' Account or similar.


Do not use the same tax account that you have nominated for parent debtors in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup.

Sales Journal Code

The journal code that will be used by this module when invoices and credits are posted to General Ledger.

The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first. on the 'Journal Type' tab first.

Cash Receipt Journal Code

The journal code that will be used by this module when receipts are posted to General Ledger.

The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first.

Dept. Expense Journal Code

The journal code that will be used by this module when department expense transactions are posted to General Ledger.

The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first.

Integrate to General Ledger

This flag should be set to 'Yes' to allow the full integration of sales and receipt journals to General Ledger.

Default Credit Limit

When entering a new customer record onto the system, this is the amount that will be displayed as the default credit limit.  It can be overridden at that point.

Alternate Logo

In 'Edit' mode, you can use the 'Choose file' button to upload an alternative Company Logo which can be used on Invoices, Credits, Receipts and Statements.

Leave this field blank to use your main 'Company Logo' for all customers.

To use this alternative logo you need to tick the 'Use Alternate Logo' checkbox on a customer's account.

Refer to Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers on the 'Address Info' tab.

Your main Company Logo can be uploaded using program Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information on the 'Company' tab (click 'View' or 'Edit' in the 'Action' column to retrieve a company's details).

It is recommended that your logo is in a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and that it be no larger than 900 pixels high by 600 pixels in width.

Online Payments Portal Parameters

Web Payments Mode

This field is required if you want to use the Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

There are 2 modes in which this portal can operate – 'Balance' mode or 'Open Item' mode.

Balance Mode

In this mode, the customer must nominate the amount they want to pay against their Commercial Debtor account. The customer's balance and their unpaid invoices will not be displayed when they are making their payment.


When receipts are generated using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transactions > Electronic Receipts Processing, they will not be applied to unpaid invoices in their customer ledger

Open Item Mode

In this mode, the customer's unpaid invoices will be displayed and they must nominate one or more invoices that they wish to pay.


When receipts are generated using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transactions > Electronic Receipts Processing they will be applied against these invoices in their customer ledger.

Portal Title

This field is required if you want to use the Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

Enter the title that will be displayed in the header section of the Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal pages.

Next Invoice No.

Next receipt No.

Next Credit No.

Next Ageing Date

Last Posting Date

These fields are system maintained and cannot be changed.

Contact Info Tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain contact information that is printed on the customer's invoices and statements.

It is also used to set up email information that is used by the module when emailing invoices and statements to customers.

Fields that require further explanation


Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


This field will print on the customers' invoices and credits generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Listings & Reports > Invoice/Credit Print and customers' statements generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Period End > Customer Statements.


This field will print on the customers' invoices and credits generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Listings & Reports > Invoice/Credit Print and customers' statements generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Period End > Customer Statements.


This field will print on the customers' invoices and credits generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Listings & Reports > Invoice/Credit Print and customers' statements generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Period End > Customer Statements.


This field will print on the customers' invoices and credits generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Listings & Reports > Invoice/Credit Print and customers' statements generated through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Period End > Customer Statements.

Sender Email

The email address to be automatically placed in the sender field when invoices, credits and statements are to be sent as an email attachment.

CC Email

The email address to be included in the carbon copy (CC) field when invoices, credits and statements are sent as an email attachment.

Statement Subject Text

The subject text that will be displayed in the 'Subject' field when statements are sent as an email attachment.

Invoice Subject Text

The subject text that will be displayed in the 'Subject' field when invoices and credits are sent as an email attachment.

Receipt Subject Text

The subject text that will be displayed in the 'Subject' field when receipts are sent as an email attachment.

User Defined Tab

This tab is used to create and maintain:

  • A field that appears on the invoice entry screen. This field would normally be used to record the customer's purchase order number.  

  • A field that appears on the credit entry screen. This field would normally be used to record a credit memo number.

  • Five User (school) Definable text fields that are available to record data on the customer record.

Fields that require further explanation

Description for INVOICE Reference Number Field

This field will default to 'Order Number' but can be changed to reflect your own terminology.  It appears on the invoice entry screen in program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transaction > Invoices.

Description for CREDIT Reference Number Field

This field will default to 'Credit Memo Number' but can be changed to reflect your own terminology.  It appears on the credit entry screen in program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transaction > Credits.

User Defined Text Areas

The descriptions entered here are used on the customer record in program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers on the 'User Defined' tab.

The description can be up to 20 characters and the actual field on the customer record is the same.

An example might be 'Additional Contact'.

Customer Type Tab

Customer types are important as they:

  • Are used for linking 'Shop Commercial' customers to a specific school shop.

  • Are used to set up departments. Department sales create an additional General Ledger journal as it is assumed that payment will not be received and that the cost from the sale will be allocated to an expense account for the department.
    An example of the journals created by the department sale would be:

 Debtors Control                                              DR

        Shop Income Account                                        CR

 Department Expense                                      DR

        Debtors Control                                                  CR

  • Can be used to determine the General Ledger journal that will be created as a result of a sale or credit. As an example a transaction for customer type 'A' can be posted to a different debtors control and tax account in General Ledger to a transaction for customer type 'B'.

This is not recommended as it is much easier to reconcile the customer ledger to the GL debtor's control account when there is a single account. The same applies to tax.

It is important that you understand the relevance of 'Customer Type' to the various sales types that can be processed through Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transaction > Invoices or Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Sale Entry.

Adding, Viewing and Editing Customer Types

To add a new Customer Type, click the 'New Type' button to display a blank 'Customer Type Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Customer Type, click on the associated link next to the Standard Message.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation


This is a three-character alpha/numeric code.

Examples of general customer types could be:

  • COM = Commercial.

  • GRP = NFP Group.

Examples of department types could be:

  • ENG = English Department.

  • MAT = Maths Department.


This is a 30 character text field to describe the customer type. 


Only departments should have 'Yes' recorded in this field. If this field is checked then the 'Department Expense Account' field below becomes mandatory.


You will not be able to edit this flag where the customer type is in use.

Refer to the explanation of department sales in section 'Customer Type Tab' (above).

Comm Debtors Control Account

This will default to the General Ledger account code entered on the 'Parameters' tab. You would only alter this if you wanted sales to this customer type to go to a different debtors control account. (Not recommended.)


Where 'Department' flag is 'Yes' (directly above) then this account must be the same as the account defined on the 'Parameters' tab.

You will not be able to change this flag if there are any un-posted transactions.

Tax Account

This will default to the General Ledger account code entered on the 'Parameters' tab. You would only alter this if you wanted sales to this customer type to go to a different tax account (GST on Income for Australian schools). (Not recommended.)


You will not be able to change this flag if there are any un-posted transactions.

Department Expense Account

This field only becomes active if the 'Department' flag above is set to 'Yes'.

An example of the journals created by the department sale would be:

Debtors Control                                              DR

        Shop Income Account                                        CR

Department Expense Account                         DR

        Debtors Control                                                  CR

School Shop Ledger

This is a display only flag. If you are running the School Shop module it allows you to create a shop and nominate the customer type that can buy from it. The setup for this is done using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup.

Statement Messages Tab

Messages entered here will print when statements are printed using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Period End > Customer Statements.

This program allows you to set up multiple message formats and then link these to the customer record using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers.

As an example, commercial customers may get a different set of messages than not-for-profit customers.

You can also have different messages based on the overdue period.

Adding, Viewing and Editing Standard Messages

To add a new Standard Message, click the 'New Message' button to display a blank 'Standard Message Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Standard Message, click on the associated link next to the stock group.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation


This is a three-character alpha/numeric code.


This is a 30 character text field.

Message always printed on statement

This message will print on the statement under the address block regardless of the account status. 

An example could be EFT Payments to BSB NNNNNN Account NNNNNNN.

Message if account is:


1-30 Days Overdue

31-60 Days Overdue

61-90 Days Overdue

The messages entered here will be printed on the customer based on their account overdue status at the time of printing.

Credit Reasons Tab

The credit reason entered here become available when entering credits through program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transactions > Credits

Examples could be:   

  • Goods Faulty.

  • Wrong Size.

  • Authorised by NNNNN.

The Credit Reasons flag is also available as selection criteria when producing a credit list from program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transaction > Credits. This provides a means for producing a report of all credits that have been issued for a particular credit reason.

Highlight the appropriate line and click 'Edit Selected' to make description changes, or 'New' to add a new 'Credit Reason' and 'Credit Reason Description'.

Each 'Credit reason' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 3 characters long and a description up to 30 characters long.


Credit Reasons cannot be deleted after they have been used.

Hold Sales Reasons Tab

The reasons entered here can be allocated against the customer record using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers.   

The invoice entry program will display a warning and prevent the processing of an invoice that is entered for any customer who has a 'Hold Sales Reason' on their record.

Highlight the appropriate line and click 'Edit Selected' to make description changes, or 'New' to add a new 'Hold Sales Reason' and 'Hold Sales Reason Description'.

Each 'Hold Sales Reason' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 3 characters long and a description up to 30 characters long.


Hold Sales Reasons cannot be deleted after they have been used.

Terms Tab

This program is used to define the set of Payment Terms that you provide for your customers.


The Term Codes setup here are shared with the Accounts Payable module.

Payment Terms are linked to the customer record using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers

The invoice entry program will apply the 'Term Code' to the invoice date entered to automatically calculate the payment due date for the invoice.

To set up a new term code click on the 'New Terms' button. Use the 'View' or 'Edit' buttons to access existing term codes.

The mandatory fields will change depending on the 'Payment Term Method' entered.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field. Type in a unique alphanumeric code (maximum 3 characters) to represent the 'Payment Terms'.

Examples could be:

21S       21 Days from Statement.
COD     Payment Due on Delivery.
7           Payment Due within 7 Days.
30         Payment Due in 30 Days.


This is a 30 character text field to describe the payment type. 

Payment Term Method

A mandatory field.

The following method codes and descriptions are available:

D          Number of Days to Pay.
T           Date of next Month to Pay.
1           Last Sunday of next month.
2           Last Monday of next month.
3           Last Tuesday of next month.
4           Last Wednesday of next month.
5           Last Thursday of next month.
6           Last Friday of next month.
7           Last Saturday of next month.

The 'Number of Days to Pay' field is dependent upon the 'Payment Term Method' D and will only be editable if this code is selected.

The 'Date of Next Month to Pay' field is dependent upon the 'Payment Term Method' T and will only be editable if this code is selected.

Sales Persons Tab

The salespersons entered here can be allocated against the customer record using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers

The invoice entry program will display the salesperson based on the customer record selected. This can be overridden during invoice entry.

The 'Sales Person' flag is also available as selection criteria when producing an invoice list from program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transaction > Invoices. This provides a means for producing a report of all invoices for a particular salesperson.

Highlight the appropriate line and click 'Edit Selected' to make description changes, or 'New' to add a new 'Sales Person' and 'Sales Person Name'.

Each 'Sales Person' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 3 characters long and a name up to 30 characters long.


Sales Persons cannot be deleted after they have been used.

Note Categories Tab

TASS.web provides a facility for entering and retrieving customer notes. A note category is required to be entered against each note entered.

Possible examples of commercial note categories could be; financial information, sales preferences etc.

This tab allows the setup and maintenance of 'Customer Note Categories'.

Highlight the appropriate line and click 'Edit Selected' to make description changes, or 'New' to add a new 'Code' and 'Note Category' description.

Each 'Note Category' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 3 characters long and a description up to 30 characters long.


Categories cannot be deleted after they have been used, and care should be taken when changing the description, as any notes entered against the category would be affected by the change.

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