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Commercial Debtors (CD)


TASS.web commercial debtors module provides a tool to process and track transactions for non-parent debtors. It is integrated with the TASS.web General Ledger module to produce journals and to update the cash book. It can optionally be integrated with the TASS.web School Shop module to allow the sale of stocked items to commercial debtors.

The module includes:

  • An invoice/credit entry program.

  • An invoice/credit print program (with an option to email documents directly to customers).

  • A receipting function with associated bank deposit report.

  • An upload program for credit and invoice transactions.

  • Trial balance and GST reports.

  • Customer statement production (with an option to email statements directly to customers).

The customer details program provides a single point to access the following details:

  • Address details.

  • Contact details.

  • Account Information.

  • Unpaid invoices.

  • Transactional history.

  • Ledger details.

  • Notes.

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