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SLS - Bank Deposit Report

Shool Shop Bank Deposit Report Overview

This program collates all unbanked money transactions from:

  1. This shop's point-of-sale program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Sale Entry.
  2. Student receipts entered against student accounts for this shop through program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Receipts.

It provides the ability to: 

  • Print a 'Trial' bank deposit report without updating the cash book for checking against physical banking. It also can be used for checking totals and other details prior to closing off the banking.
  • Generate a final deposit report suitable for taking to the bank. Running the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode closes off the banking and updates the General Ledger 'Cash Book' with the total of the banking.
  • Reprint a previously generated 'Final' bank deposit report (this is only available for bank deposits produced after TASS.web was installed on your system).

The program will automatically display any periods for which there are unbanked transactions for this shop.

Choose 'Trial Report' or 'Final Report' from the 'Action' column.


Receipts cannot be edited after the 'Final' Bank Deposit Report has been run. Therefore, it is important to run the bank deposit first in 'Trial Mode' and do all of your checking before rerunning it in 'Final Mode.'

Trial/Final Deposit Report

The following screen will be displayed 'TRIAL or FINAL Bank Deposit Report' (based on the mode you selected).

Fields that require further explanation

Include Plastic Cards in Deposit Totals

When this checkbox is ticked:

  • The Deposit Total on the Report will also include the total of Receipts with a payment type = 'P for Plastic'. 
    These would be receipts that have not been processed through an EFTPOS machine. They are likely to be card-based receipts processed through the old 'manual swipe' machines. 
  • For FINAL mode, 'P for Plastic' receipts will be included together with cash and cheques in the deposit total posted to the General Ledger Cash Book.

When this checkbox is unticked:

  • The Deposit Total on the Report will not include the total of Receipts with a payment type = 'P for Plastic'.  
  • For FINAL mode, 'P for Plastic' receipts will not be included with cash and cheques in the deposit total posted to the General Ledger Cash Book.
    Instead, they will be posted to the Cash Book together with EFTPOS transactions. 

Print Plastic Cards on Separate Page

When this checkbox is ticked, the Plastic Cards list will start on a new page.

This option is only available if the checkbox 'Include Plastic Cards in Deposit Total' is ticked.

Include EFTPOS Receipts
(on separate page)

When this checkbox is ticked, the EFTPOS list will be printed on a separate page.

When this checkbox is unticked, the EFTPOS list will not be printed at all.

Report Title

This defaults to 'Bank Deposit Report — TRIAL or FINAL and can be overridden with a different title.

Any options checked in this screen become 'sticky'. This means that the program will remember this selection, and it will become the default the next time this program is used. 

Click 'GO' to generate the report.

Payment Type

Here is a summary of the different deposit types and how they are handled in relation to Cash Book and General Ledger posting:

CASH (Type C)

This payment type will be included in the Bank Deposit Report Total. They will be combined with Cheque (and Plastic if this option is selected) payment types and posted to the Cashbook as one amount. The date that gets posted to the cashbook is the latest date for this set of Cash, Cheque (and Plastic if selected) payments. 


Cheques will be listed separately on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be included in the Deposit Total on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be combined with Cash (and Plastic if this option is selected) payment types and posted to the Cashbook as one amount. The date that gets posted to the cashbook is the latest date for this set of Cash, Cheque (and Plastic if selected) payments. 


The option 'Include Plastic Cards in Deposit Total' on the 'Print' tab will determine posting to the Cashbook as follows:

When this option is ticked:

Plastic Cards will be listed separately on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be included in the Deposit Total on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be combined with Cash and Cheque payment types and posted to the Cashbook as one amount. The date that gets posted to the cashbook is the latest date for this set of Cash, Cheque and Plastic payments. 

When this option is unticked:

Plastic Cards will be listed on a separate page of the Bank Deposit Report. They will not be included in the Deposit Total on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be combined with EFTPOS payments and totalled for each date and posted to the Cashbook.


EFTPOS payments will be printed on a separate page of the Bank Deposit Report. They will not be included in the Deposit Total on the Bank Deposit Report. They will be combined with Plastic Card payments (if this option is selected) and totalled for each date and posted to the Cashbook.

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