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SLS - Stock


The School Shop ‘School Shop Stock’ program is multi-purpose, it allows you to:

  • Search for existing stock items using specific criteria.

  • Produce a screen list of existing stock items that also provides the ability to view, edit or delete stock items.

  • Print, export to Excel® or Word® the list of stock items returned by your search.

  • Add a new stock item.

  • View history of Stock Receipts, Stock Adjustments and Stocktakes.

Adding a Stock Item

Click the 'New' icon to display a blank 'Stock Details' screen.

The focus will be on the 'New' icon when this screen loads, so you can press the 'Enter' key instead of clicking the 'New' icon.

For details on adding a stock item, refer to section 'General Tab' (below).

Viewing, Editing and Deleting Stock Items

Stock Item Search Screen

The search screen provides the facility to search for existing stock items using various search fields.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and display the 'Stock List' screen with the matching records.

Stock List Screen

This list screen displays the stock items matching your search criteria initially sorted by stock code.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links above the Stock List.

Click on the 'View' or 'Edit' Action link to access the stock item.


The 'Delete' option is only available for stock items that have no sale, receipt or stock take transaction records. If you attempt to delete an item that has any of these transaction records, the following message will be displayed:

'This Stock Code has been used and can not be deleted – there are <transaction, receipt or stocktake records>'.

There are options from within this 'Stock List' screen to print:

  1. A Stock Listing that details Quantity on Hand, Last Cost, Average Cost, Sell Price and Margin.

    1. Select the 'Print' icon to display the 'Stock Listing' screen to generate a report on the stock items displayed on the Stock List screen. 

    2. Various sorting and formatting options are displayed, and you can select the type of file and layout you wish to use. You can also select additional fields to include in your report.

    3. Click on 'GO' to create the file.

  2. A Price List that includes barcodes.

    1. Select the 'Price List' icon to display the 'Price List' screen to generate a report for the stock items displayed on the Stock List screen. 

    2. Various sorting and formatting options are displayed, and you can select the type of file and layout you wish to use. You can elect to group the price list by stock group or supplier.

    3. Click on 'GO' to create the file.

Stock Details Screen

General Tab

Fields that require detailed information

Stock Code/Desc

A 15-character alpha/numeric field for the stock code and a 40-character text field to describe the stock item.

Stock Group

Stock Groups are particularly important if this shop is to be integrated with the General Ledger. They can determine:

  • The General Ledger sales account (income account)

  • The General Ledger cost of sales account (expense account to use if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab for this shop in program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup).

  • The General Ledger stock account (asset account that is used if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab for this shop in program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup).

Refer to the help for program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup for more information about stock groups.

This is a mandatory field.

Selling UOM

This is a reference only field.  It does not affect the point-of-sale program.

Purchasing UOM

This is a reference only field.  It is displayed on the stock reorder report.


This would only be used for stock items that come with a manufacturer's barcode. Otherwise, this field should be left blank. The point-of-sale program has the capability of scanning a barcode in conjunction with specified barcode readers.


This field is not mandatory but is recommended.  If this shop's parameters are set up with a link to a valid company code, then the dropdown list on this field will display active suppliers from the Accounts Payable module.

The supplier details print on the reorder report program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Reorder Report.

Supplier Item Code

Use this to record the supplier's part number if it is different from the school's stock code for this item.


Untick this checkbox to make this stock item inactive which will exclude this stock item from various lookups, programs and reports. This field is only accessible when the 'Quantity on hand' field for this item equals zero.

Misc Stock Code

This checkbox is only ticked to indicate that this stock item is to be used as specific general-purpose item. When selling a miscellaneous item through the point-of-sale program, the 'Unit Cost' field becomes active to allow the entry of a cost-of-goods sold.

Quantity on Hand

This field is system maintained by transactional processing for this item within this shop. Sales, credits, stock receipts, stock adjustments and the recording of stock take results affect 'Quantity on Hand'.

If you are setting your stock up for the first time and you have balances from a previous system or stocktake figures, then you should enter your opening stock quantity here.

This can only be entered in 'Add' mode.

It is a good idea to then use program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Valuation Report to verify your opening balance figures before trading commences in this shop.

Sell Price (excl. tax)

This is the selling price exclusive of tax that will be used by the point-of-sale program.

Special Price (excl. tax)

This is a selling price that can be made available at point-of-sale for this stock item when the operator uses the 'Special Price' button.

Examples of this may be special prices for certain customers or students or a special price on an item that is overstocked.

Tax code

This is the tax code for this stock code.

Re-order Point

This is the trigger point for which this stock item will appear on the stock reorder report generated through program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Reorder Report (when it is run with 'Include Stock based on Reorder Point only' selected).

Minimum Order Qty

This is the suggested minimum number of stock items that you have to order when ordering from your supplier.

Receipts Tab

This tab does not become visible until the stock item has been saved to the database. It displays transactional information resulting from stock receipts processed through program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock Receipts.

Adjustments Tab

This tab does not become visible until the stock item has been saved to the database. It displays transactional information resulting from stock adjustments processed through program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock Adjustments.

Stocktakes Tab

This tab does not become visible until the stock item has been saved to the database. It displays transactional information resulting from stocktakes processed through program Finance > School Shop > Stocktake Cycle > Update Stock Levels.

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