SLS - School Shop Setup (SU)
The ‘School Shop Setup’ program allows you to create multiple school shops for the processing of sales to students, commercial debtors, departments or cash.
This setup program is used to create and maintain the parameters for each of your school shops. Many of the parameters entered here will directly affect the way that the shop's Point-of-Sale program works.
Adding, Viewing and Editing School Shop Parameters
To add a new shop, click the 'New Shop' button to display a blank 'Shop Parameters' screen.
When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.
To 'View' or 'Edit' a shop, click on the associated link next to the relevant shop.
When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.
Once the initial parameters have been established for this module and processing has commenced, subsequent changes should be avoided. Changes should only be made if you are absolutely sure of the ramifications to transaction processing.
Parameters Tab
This tab is used to set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for each School Shop's processing.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Shop ID/Description | You can create up to 35 school shops. Use a unique single alpha/numeric field (A to Z or 1 to 9) as the code for each shop. The description field is a 20 character text field. |
Student Type | This is an indicator as to which students are allowed to purchase from this shop.
Fee Code | This field indicates the fee code to use when student account balances from this shop are transferred to the parent account. The consolidation is run through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Shop Billing. All outstanding transactions from this shop on each student's ledger will be consolidated and posted as a single transaction (using this fee code) on to the parent's accounts. Shop transactions are then flagged as transferred so that they do not get duplicated with a subsequent consolidation run. (Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Shop Billing.) Important! If this field is left blank for this shop then student account balances will not be transferred to the parent account. Only Active Fee Codes will be available in this field. Use Finance > Parents Accounts (PAC) > Parent Accounts Setup on the Fees tab to change the Active status of a Fee Code. |
Customer Type | This field is only important if you intend to allow the processing of 'Shop Commercial Sales' from this shop. A 'Shop Commercial Sale' is the sale from within a shop (using a stock code) to a commercial customer. You need the TASS.web Commercial Debtors module to allow this to happen. Important! Do not enter a customer type against this shop for normal 'Commercial Sales' which are defined as the sale to a commercial customer where stock is not involved. You should refer to the documentation for 'Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop'. This documentation details all of the different sale types that are possible from a shop. Customer types are set up in the Commercial Debtors module using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup. Therefore:
Customer types are flagged against the individual customer record using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers. Important! You will not be able to edit this field if there are unposted transactions in any school shop or in the Commercial Debtors module. |
Print invoices | Select 'Yes' to print account sale invoices/credits at the point of sale for this shop. |
Number of Invoices | This is the number of copies of account sale invoices/credits to be printed at the point of sale. |
Default Docket Printer | This is where you define the docket printer that is to be used by this shop. The drop-down list will display the valid printers that have been set up using program System Admin > Utilities > Printer Definitions. |
Number of Dockets | This is the number of copies of cash sale dockets to be printed at the point of sale. |
Parent Address | This is the parent address number that will print on account invoices and statements. Your school's use of parent addresses is defined using program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup. |
Barcode Priority Flag | This flag should be set to 'Yes' if a barcode reader is to be used for stock sales in this shop. You must also enter barcodes on to the stock records using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock. This will make the Point-of-Sale program search on stock barcode first. Select 'No' if stock codes will be keyed in during point of sale. This will make the shop Point-of-Sale program search on stock code only. |
Speed Mode Flag | This flag can be set to 'Yes' to provide rapid entry of stock items by a scanner in the shop Point-of-Sale program. After each item is scanned the line item is added to the sale and the program is ready for the next item to scan. It does not move to the 'Quantity' and 'Price' field as it would do if this flag is set to 'No'. Therefore, this suits a mode of operation where the majority of sales are single items with only an occasional need for a change of quantity or price. |
Print Receipts | Set this flag to 'Yes' and receipts entered through program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Receipts will print immediately. Set this flag to 'No' if you don't want them to print immediately (e.g. you prefer to print receipts as a batch or you don't want to print receipts from this shop at all). There is an override option available on the receipt entry screen. |
Next Charge No. Next Credit No. Next Receipt No. Next Payment No. Next Bank Deposit No. Last Transfer to PA Last GL Posting | These fields are system maintained and cannot be changed. |
Contact Info Tab
This tab is used to set up and maintain contact information that will be printed on this shop's invoices, receipts and statements.
It is also used to set up email information that is used by the module when emailing invoices and statements to parents and customers.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Shop Name | Up to 60 characters. This name is printed on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Address Line 1 Address Line 2 | Up to 40 characters per line. This address line is printed on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Town/Suburb State Postcode Country | The information entered here will print on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Name | Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school. |
The email address for this shop will print on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. | |
Phone | The phone number entered here will print on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Fax | The fax number entered here will print on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Website/URL | The website address entered here will print on invoices, credits, receipts and statements that are generated from this shop. |
Sender Email | The email address to be automatically placed in the sender field when invoices, credits and statements are to be sent as an email attachment. |
CC Email | The email address to be automatically placed in the carbon copy (CC) field when invoices, credits and statements are to be sent as an email attachment. |
Subject Text | The subject text to be automatically placed in the subject field when invoices, credits and statements are to be sent as an email attachment. |
GL Integration Tab
This tab is used to set up and maintain the General Ledger integration for this shop.
Fields that require further explanation | |
GL Company Code | It is possible for the General Ledger transactions that are produced as a result of transactional processing in this shop to be posted into a different company to the main school company. You would do this so that sales can be made to students (e.g. who are set up in Company 01) but the shop is actually run by another entity such as the P&F (that is set up in Company 02). This field will default to the company code that you are currently logged into and should only be changed if the scenario above is required. If you want no General Ledger integration at all for this shop then this field should be left blank. Important! If you use a different General Ledger company code then Shop Commercial and Department sales will not be allowed for this shop. |
ABN | The Australian Business Number (ABN) entered here will be printed on invoices, credits and receipts. It can optionally be printed on statements that are generated from this shop. |
Post Account Sales to GL | Set this flag to 'Yes' if you want General Ledger postings to occur as a result of student sales transactions for this shop. Providing this flag is set to 'Yes' and the 'GL Company Code' field is nominated. The accounting transactions that will occur as a result of a Student Sale will be: Debtors Control DR Income Account (derived from the stock record) CR Tax Account CR |
Post Cash Sales to GL | Select 'Yes' to create General Ledger postings for Cash Sale and Receipt transactions from this Shop. Providing this flag is set to 'Yes' and the 'GL Company Code' field is nominated. The accounting transactions that will occur as a result of a Cash Sale will be: Debtors Control DR Income Account (derived from the stock record) CR Cash at Bank DR Debtors Control CR |
Post Cost of Goods Sold to GL | Select 'Yes' to create General Ledger cost of goods sold postings for sale and credit transactions for this Shop. The additional General Ledger transactions that will occur for an account or cash sale will be: Cost of Goods Sold DR Stock CR |
Sales Journal Code | The journal code that will be used by this module when sales journals are posted to the General Ledger. The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first. |
Cash Receipt Journal Code | The journal code that will be used by this module when receipts are posted to the General Ledger. The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first. |
Cost of Sales Journal | The journal code that will be used by this module when the cost of goods sold journals are posted to the General Ledger. It only becomes a mandatory field when the 'Post Cost of Goods to GL' flag is set to 'Yes'. The journal code must be created using Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup on the 'Journal Type' tab first. |
Default Tax Code | This code will be used as the default when stock is entered into the system using program Finance > School Shop > Stock Information > Stock. It can be overridden during stock entry. |
Shop Debtors Control Account | The General Ledger debtors control account for this shop. Important! Do not use the same control account that you have nominated for parent debtors in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup. Also, set up a separate control account for each shop (e.g. use a sub-account number). |
Tax Account | The General Ledger tax account for this shop. Australian schools would use a 'GST Collected on Shop Name' Account or similar. Important! Do not use the same tax account that you have nominated for parent debtors in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup. Also, set up a tax account for each shop (e.g. use a sub-account number). |
Rounding Account | The General Ledger account to be used for cent rounding for cash sales. |
Cash at Bank Account | The General Ledger bank account to be used for cash sales. Only the bank accounts defined on the 'Bank Accounts' tab in program Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup are available to use here. |
Stock Groups Tab
This tab is used to set up and maintain the stock groups that will be used for this shop.
At least one stock group must be set up for each shop (and at least one stock item, e.g. Miscellaneous).
Stock Groups are particularly important if this shop is to be integrated into the General Ledger. They determine:
The General Ledger sales account (income account).
The General Ledger cost of sales account (expense account to use if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab).
The General Ledger stock account (asset account that is used if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab).
Every stock item that is entered into the system must be flagged against a stock group. The stock group flag is then available as selection criteria on various stock reports and inquiries.
Adding, Viewing and Editing Stock Groups
To add a new stock group, click the 'New Group' button to display a blank 'Stock Group Details' screen.
When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.
To 'View' or 'Edit' a stock group, click on the associated link next to the stock group.
When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.
You will not be able to edit a stock group if there are un-posted transactions in any school shop or in the Commercial Debtors module.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Group Codes | Up to 4 characters. |
Group Name | Up to 20 characters to describe the stock group, e.g. Uniforms, Stationery, Sports Equipment. |
Sales Account | This General Ledger account will be used for all sales and credits for any stock item that is allocated against this stock group. The sales journal that will be produced will be: Debtors Control DR Income Account (derived from the stock record) CR Tax Account CR |
Cost of Sales Account | This account is only used if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab. The cost of sales General Ledger journal that will occur as a result of a sale is: Cost of Sales Account DR Stock Account CR Important! It is, however, necessary to enter a GL account into this field even if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'No' on the GL Integration tab. This is to eradicate the possibility of a null occurring in a GL Journal should the parameter be changed in the future. |
Stock Account | This account would be an asset account in the Balance Sheet. This account is only used if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'Yes' on the GL Integration tab. This account is used to form the other side of the journal described directly above. The cost of sales General Ledger journal that will occur as a result of a sale is: Cost of Sales Account DR Stock Account CR Important! It is, however, necessary to enter a GL account into this field even if 'Cost of Sales Journal' is set to 'No' on the GL Integration tab. This is to eradicate the possibility of a null occurring in a GL Journal should the parameter be changed in the future. |