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Setting Up for Different Sale Types in Commercial Debtors and School Shop

Sale Type


School Shop Req'd?

Com Debtors Req'd?


General Commercial

This is a sale to a commercial customer — that is, a customer that is not linked to a Shop.

This sale type does not use stock but allows for manual input of the invoice line item description (freeform).



School Shop is not mandatory to allow this type of sale.

Minimum setup required:

  • Setups in Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup need to have been completed.

  • Commercial Debtors. The user who will be processing sales needs 'Add' permission for security point Invoices and Credits in program System Admin > Users

Shop Commercial

This is a sale to a commercial customer that is linked to a specific Shop.

This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items.

It supports 'miscellaneous' stock codes which allows for line items to be input manually (freeform).



School Shop and Commercial Debtors Modules are required to allow this type of sale.

Minimum setup required:

  • Setups in Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup need to have been completed. 

  • For each shop in which you want to enable Shop Commercial sales, the 'Customer Type' field on the 'Parameters' tab must equal one of the customer types that you have setup in Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup.

  • The user processing the sale needs to be logged into the correct shop using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > User Shop Access.

  • The user who will be processing sales needs 'Add' permission for security point School Shop > Sale Entry in program System Admin > Users.

  • The General Ledger company for the shop must be the same as the company that the user is logged into. Company code for the shop is set on the 'GL Integration' tab in program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup.


This is a sale to an internal department customer.

This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items.

It supports 'miscellaneous' stock codes which allows for line items to be manually input (freeform).

Department sales enables the school to seamlessly issue stock to a department from a Shop whilst automatically maintaining their stock control and charging their department budget.



School Shop and Commercial Debtors Modules are required to allow this type of sale.

Minimum setup required:

  • Setups in Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup need to have been completed.
    You need to set up a 'Customer Type' on the 'Customer Type' tab for each shop with the 'Department field' set to 'Yes'. You also need to enter the correct 'Department Expense Account'.
    The accounting transactions that will occur as a result of a Department Sale will be:
    Debtors Control   DR
       Income Account (derived from stock record)       CR
    Department Expense Account              DR
    Debtors Control    CR
    You need to setup a customer record in Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers for each department and link it to the correct 'Customer Type' for that Department.
    Create a customer type called 'Maths Department'. Then create a customer record for the Maths Department. This customer record needs to have the customer type of 'Maths Department'.

  • Setups in Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup need to have been completed. 

  • Any Department set up this way will then be available for sales transactions in all School Shops.

  • The user processing the sale needs to be logged into the correct shop using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > User Shop Access.

  • The General Ledger company for the shop must be the same as the company that the user is logged into. Company code for the shop is set on the 'GL Integration' tab in program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup.

  • The user who will be processing sales needs 'Add' permission for security point School Shop > Sale Entry in program System Admin > Users.

Cash Sale

This is a sale that is paid for by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card from a shop.

This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items.

It supports 'miscellaneous' stock codes which allows for line items to be manually input (freeform).

Supports multiple payment types for a single sale.

Supports 'cash outs' for cheque and EFTPOS payment types.



Commercial Debtors module is not required to process this type of transaction.

Minimum setup required:

  • Setups in Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup need to have been completed. 
    For each shop in which you want to enable Cash sales two possible settings are available on the 'GL Integration' tab.

    1. The 'Post Cash Sales to GL' flag needs to be set to 'No' and the 'GL Company Code' field should be blank. This means that there will be no GL integration at all from this Shop.

    2. The 'Post Cash Sales to GL' flag needs to be set to 'Yes' and the 'GL Company Code' field is nominated. The accounting transactions that will occur as a result of a Cash Sale will be:
      Debtors Control    DR
          Income Account (derived from stock record)  CR
      Cash at Bank    DR
          Debtors Control    CR

  • The user processing the sale needs to be logged into the correct shop using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > User/Shop Access.

  • The user who will be processing sales needs 'Add' permission for security point School Shop > Sale Entry in program System Admin > Users.


This is a sale to a student that will post to the student's ledger for a specific shop.

This sale type uses stock codes to input invoice line items.

It supports 'miscellaneous' stock codes which allows for line items to be manually input (freeform).

Two options are then available:

  1. The balance of this subsidiary ledger can then be transferred to the Parent Accounts ledger.

  2. Statements can be produced directly from the ledger for this shop. Receipts can then be received and allocated against student balances.



Commercial Debtors module is not required to process this type of transaction.

Minimum setup required:

  • Setups in Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup need to have been completed. 
    If you intend to integrate student sales up to the Parent Accounts module (Option 1 opposite) then you will need to nominate the appropriate 'Fee Code' on the 'Parameters' tab. 
    If you intend to run this ledger independent of the Parent Accounts ledger (Option 2 opposite)  then 'Fee Code' on the 'Parameters' tab should be blank.
    For each shop in which you want to enable Student sales, two possible settings are available on the 'GL Integration' tab.

    1. The 'Post Account Sales to GL' flag needs to be set to 'No' and the 'GL Company Code' field should be blank. This means that there will be no General Ledger integration at all from this shop.

    2. The 'Post Account Sales to GL' flag needs to be set to 'Yes' and the 'GL Company Code' field is nominated. The accounting transactions that will occur as a result of a  Student Sale will be:
      Debtors Control     DR
          Income Account (derived from stock record)      CR

  • The user processing the sale needs to be logged into the correct shop using program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > User/Shop Access.

  •  The user who will be processing sales needs 'Add' permission for security point School Shop > Sale Entry in program System Admin > Users.

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