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Events and Payments - Printing Out a Report for Students Attending an Event

Select  'View' from the hamburger menu in the 'Action' column to display a list of students allocated to the Event and Payment (EP) followed by the 'Print' option from the hamburger menu at the top right of the screen to load 'Event & Payment Print options'. 

Use the varying options and filters to include or exclude information on your report and the formatting options.

Print with Date of Birth

Add the Student's Date of Birth to the report.

Print with PC Tutor Group

Add the Student's PC Tutor Group to the report.

Print with Gender

Add the Student's Gender to the report.

Print with Acceptance Date

Tick this option to display the date that parents accepted for their child to attend the event.

Include List of Accepted Options

Tick this option to print the students whose parents have accepted any additional options added to the event.

Click here for more information on Event options.

An additional page will be printed for each Event option.

Include Parent Mobile Phones

Tick this option to print parents' mobile phone numbers on your report.

The parent mobile numbers displayed for each student are determined by the 'Communication Rules' set up on the student records.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This program will use the 'TK View' (Teacher Kiosk/Staff Kiosk View) rules that are set up for each student, to determine which parent mobile numbers are displayed.

Include Parent Comments

Tick this option to print the students whose parents have made comments against accepted events and options.

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