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ATT - Parent Lounge Tab (SU)

Parents are able to use Parent Lounge to:

  • Acknowledge an absence and submit a reason for their student's unexplained absence.
  • Submit an absence notification to advise of their students' absence.

Fields that require further information

Allow parental acknowledgement of absences using Parent Lounge

Tick this box to allow parents to acknowledge absence records in Parent Lounge.

To be eligible for acknowledgement in Parent Lounge, absence records must contain an 'Absentee Type' that has been set up with 'Acknowledge in Parent Lounge' and 'View in Parent Lounge' set to 'Yes' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Types' tab.

Time delay prior to allowing parental acknowledgement (minutes)

Specify the time delay in minutes between when an absence record is entered by a teacher or administrator and when it is displayed and available to parents for acknowledgement.

You could use this to avoid absence records displaying immediately for the scenario where students are just running late.

This can be left as zero if required.

Allow parents to enter Absence Notifications using Parent Lounge

Tick this box to allow parents to submit absence records in Parent Lounge.

Submitted absence notifications are processed into TASS.web using program Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Notifications from Parent Lounge.

A parent is able to submit an absence notification where:

  • An 'Absentee Type' has been set up with 'Add in Parent Lounge' and 'View in Parent Lounge' set to 'Yes' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Types' tab.
  • An 'Absentee Reason' has been set up with 'Add in Parent Lounge' and 'View in Parent Lounge' set to 'Yes' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Reasons' tab. 

Is an Absence Notification Comment Required?

Tick this box to force parents to enter a comment when submitting an absence notification in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Attendance.

Absence Notification Advice Text

Enter the text to display to parents when submitting an absence notification in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Attendance.

This can be left blank if required.

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