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ATT - Student Attendance


The Student Attendance program is used to add, view, edit and delete absentee records for a selected student.

Viewing and Editing Attendance Records

To view or edit an attendance record; use the Picker Screens or Search Engine to search for records in the database.


Searchable fields for the picker are 'Year Group', 'PC/Tutor Group', 'House' and 'Campus'. The 'Additional Search' criteria panel allows you to search for current and non-current students, male, female, boarders and day students.

Click the 'Go' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Student Picker with the matching records.

Once a student has been selected from the picker a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'View' button at the bottom of the 'Summary Information' pane will open the 'Student Attendance' screen.

Search Engine

Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Binoculars' icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.

The searchable fields for the picker are 'Student Code', 'Surname', 'Given Names', 'Preferred Name', 'Year Group', 'Form Class', 'PC/Tutor Group', 'Date of Birth', 'Alternate ID', 'E-mail', 'House Description', and 'Religion Description'.

The 'Search Results' pane will display the matching records. Click on the record you require to open the 'Student Attendance' screen.

Student Attendance Screen

Absences Tab

The 'Absences' tab displays a full summarised history of the student's absentees.

You can view, add, edit or delete individual absentee records for this student from the 'Absences' tab.

To add an absentee record, click the 'Add Student Absence' button.

A warning message will be displayed when an attendance record already exists for a student on the date nominated.

This program is used to enter student absentee records. There are four other options available for absentee entry including:

  1. Teachers submitting a roll call using Staff Kiosk Class Rollcall.

  2. Students self-registering as late for school, where they have left the school and returned at a later time or an early departure using the Student Attendance Self Registration portal.

  3. 'Fast Entry' using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Absence Entry.

  4. In bulk (i.e. absentees containing multiple students) using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Bulk Absentee Entry.

A paperclip icon (left of the 'Action' column) indicates one or more attachments have been included.

Extended Absences Tab

The 'Extended Absences' tab displays a full history of the longer-term absences for this student.

The 'Extended Absences' tab is only available to display historical 'Extended Absentee' data where schools have used it in the past. The entry of 'Extended Absences' is no longer available as it does not comply with new reporting requirements. To record longer-term absences, use the 'Recurrence' functionality to record student absences over multiple days.

Student Details

The Student Details returned include 'Student Code', Surname, 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name', 'Date of Birth', Sex, 'Year Group' and 'PC/Tutor Group'.

Absence Details

Fields that require detailed information

Type of Absence

These have been predetermined by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup.

Reason for Absence

These have been predetermined by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup.

Time Arrived/Departed

The school will have defined absentee types to be used for the following 'Attendance Types' in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup:

  • Late Arrival.

  • Early Departure.

  • Absent for Morning.

  • Absent for Afternoon.

  • Absent Part Day.

Where the 'Late Arrival' or 'Early Departure' attendance type is selected, the system will insert the current time into the corresponding 'Time Arrived' or 'Time Departed' field. The system generated time can be overridden.

Where the 'Absent for Morning' or 'Absent for Afternoon' attendance type is selected the time/s must be entered.

'Absent Part Day' requires both a 'Time Departed' and a 'Time Arrived'.


The school will have defined an absentee type to be used for 'Absent for Lesson' in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup.

Where the 'Absent for Lesson' attendance type is selected the 'Period' must be entered.

Doctor's Certificate

This is an information field only.

Parent Acknowledgement

Responding 'Yes' to this will exclude this absentee from the notification to parents process.

If a parent has provided acknowledgement through Parent Lounge, this field will display accordingly and cannot be edited. This will also exclude this absentee from the notification to parents process.

Parent Notifications Sent

Responding 'Yes' to this will exclude this absentee from the notification to parents process. This field is automatically updated by TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Processing > Generate/Send SMS Notifications.

Print Late Slip

Where the 'Late Arrival' attendance type is selected, a 'Print Late Slip' option will become available.

By default, late slips will print to your default printer in A4 layout.

Alternatively, use the 'Printer' picklist to print late slips to a docket printer (where one has been configured).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Docket Printers are set up using TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Printer Definitions.

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

The Student Name that appears on late slips is determined by the 'Student Surname Display Preference' field in TASS.web Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Student Records' tab.

Attendance Message

Enter up to 4000 characters of notation that relates to the absence of this student.


Attendance records can recur if they repeat over multiple days or instances. 

For example, a family holiday that occurs over 15 consecutive days, or work experience that occurs every Tuesday afternoon over a specified date range.

To add a 'recurrence' to an absentee during entry, follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to and open the 'Recurrence' panel and click the 'Add Recurrence' button.

  2. Select the required 'Recurrence Pattern'.
    Options are:

    • 'Daily (Weekdays)' – (Use if the recurrence runs over consecutive days such as in the case of non-school holidays or Illness).

    • 'Weekly' – (Use if the absentee repeats on certain weekdays).
      If 'Weekly' is used, then you will need to nominate the specific day/s of the week that the absentee record is to repeat on.

  3. Select the option 'Use Timetable Calendar' if you would like to exclude non-timetabled days from the absentee entry.  (Only available if you have a timetable calendar configured). If you are unsure if your school is using a Timetable Calendar, navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup and firstly check the 'Multiple Timetables' flag.

    • If this is set to 'No, then check the 'Timetable Calendar' flag on the 'Timetable' tab.

    • If this is set to 'Yes' you will need to check the settings of individual timetables on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab.
      If the Calendar is being used, then it is mandatory to select the Timetable to use, e.g. Senior School or Middle School etc.


If this is a bulk absentee that is being entered, only the students who are in the year groups relating to the Timetable selected will be available in the next screen for selection.

  1. Select the appropriate recurrence 'End' function using either, a specified number of occurrences, or a specified ending date.

Once you tab out of the respective 'End' field, the system will automatically populate the other 'End' recurrence field. This can be used to double-check that the correct values for the recurrence have been entered.


Attachments can be added to the absence record for by clicking the 'Add Attachment' button and selecting the required file from within the school's network.

An example would be a parent note or email.

Multiple attachments can be added if required. Where an absence is recurring, the attachments will be visible on all recurring absence records.

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