ATT - Bulk Absentee Entry
The Bulk Absentee Entry program is used to enter a common absentee record for multiple students.
An example would be a group of students attending an excursion.
Step 1 — Absence Details
Enter the absentee details for the group of students.
Fields on the first screen under the 'Absence Details' and 'Attendance Message' collapsible panels are explained in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Attendance.
If an absence is to be repeated over multiple days or instances, click the 'Extend Recurrence' button and use the fields available in the 'Recurrence' collapsible panel to set the required pattern.
An example would be a group of students who have work experience that occurs every Tuesday afternoon for a specified date range.
Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Attendance for details of entering a recurring absence.
Step 2 — Choose Students
Nominate the students to apply this absentee record against.
There are four options to search for students:
The 'Students' button can be used to search for students within a year group, form class, house group or by surname.
The 'Class' button can be used to search for students within a class group.
The 'Activity' button can be used to search for students within an extra-curricular activity.
The 'Events' button can be used to search for students who have accepted or been invited to attend an Event.
Students who have an existing 'Absent from School' record for the date set in the 'Absence Details' panel will not be included in the search results.
On the search panel, click 'Import' to display the students matching the selection criteria in the 'Choose Students' panel.
An ‘yellow alert’ icon and 'View Conflicts' link will be displayed if one or more students have an Absent from School record that conflicts with the Bulk Absentee Entry that is being processed. Click the 'View Conflicts' link to review and resolve conflicting absence issues where required.
If a conflict exists, the student will not be allocated any absences from the Bulk Absentee Entry.
With this screen, you can add or remove individual students or a range of students by clicking on the student names and clicking the 'Selected' or 'All' icons. Alternatively, you can double click the student's names within the lists to add or remove them.
Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.
Attachments can be added to each student's absence record included in the group by clicking the 'Add Attachment' button and selecting the required file from within the school's network. An example would be an excursion note.
Click 'Save' to record the absence against the students in the 'Selected Students' panel.
Once saved, a bulk recurring absentee series can be edited by editing any of the student attendance records within the series. Additional students can then be added or removed if required by moving the students between the 'Choose Student' list and the 'Selected Students' list.