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ATT - Daily Inquiry


The Daily Inquiry program will display all students with an absentee record for the current day.

The attendance records displayed could have been entered using:

The program is used to:

  • View incoming absentee records in more detail.

  • Edit absentee records 'on-the-fly'.

  • Search for a subset of absentee records using the 'Re-select' button at the top of the screen.

Use the 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite' option to save and automatically apply your search criteria each time you access the 'Daily Inquiry' program.

  • Print a listing of the records displayed by clicking the ' Print ' button at the top of the screen.

  • Print attendance 'Slips' for:

    • Students who have a 'Late for School' entry (Late for School).

    • Students who are leaving school grounds (Early Departure).

    • Students who left the school and returned later in the day (Absent Part Day).

Click here for more information on printing with Google Chrome.

To successfully print when using Google Chrome, the setting 'Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome' must be disabled.

You can sort the records that are displayed by clicking on any of the column headings.

The 'Parent Ack.' column will display three potential statuses:

  1. No (No parent acknowledgement for this absence record).

  2. Yes (An acknowledgement has been entered by a teacher or administrator).

  3. PL (An acknowledgement has been entered by a parent through Parent Lounge).

Attendance records that contain a time such as 'Late Arrivals', 'Early Departures' or 'Partial Day Absences' will display the time/s that students arrived or departed. 

Attendance records pertaining to a class absentee will also display the period/s in which students were absent.

In the scenario where a student was incorrectly marked as 'Present' during morning rollcall and as a consequence now has multiple 'Absent from Class' records, updating one of the 'Absent from Class' records to 'Absent from School' will automatically delete any remaining 'Absent from Class' records for that day.

Re-select button

The 'Re-Select' button can be used:

  • To search and filter the attendance information displayed in the 'Daily Inquiry' program

  • As a tool to analyse absentee records in the database.
    As an example, you may want a list of all students who were late for school on a particular day in a certain year group.

  • To save and automatically apply your favourite search criteria each time you access the Daily Inquiry program. To do this, tick the 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite' option when running your search.

You can modify an existing 'My Favourite' by selecting the 'My Favourite' button at the top of the 'Daily Inquiry' screen, making the necessary changes, then clicking 'Search'.

You can delete a 'My Favourite' by selecting the 'My Favourite' button at the top of the 'Daily Inquiry' screen, then click the 'Delete My Favourite' button. 

When using the 'Reselect' button to look for absentees on a certain day, you can opt to exclude students who were away for acceptable reasons such as school excursions. Absentee reasons are set up and marked as 'Acceptable' in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Reasons' tab.

Maintaining Recurring Absences

Attendance records that have been entered with a recurrence will display with a 'recurrence' icon.   

Recurring absentee records could have been created for a single student (using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Attendance) or for multiple students (using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Bulk Absentee Entry).

When opening an attendance record that has a recurrence, the system will prompt you to open the single occurrence selected or the entire recurring series.

If you select to open the series, and the recurring series contains one student only, then the record will open using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Student Attendance.

If the recurring series contains multiple students, then the records will open using TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Student Information > Bulk Absentee Entry.


If a series is being edited, the update will be applied to all students who are selected, resetting the previous attendance records in the series. A warning will be displayed if conflicting absences are detected, and a mechanism is provided to resolve them.

Single students can be removed from a bulk recurring series by editing the absentee record, choosing to 'Open this occurrence for this student', and then changing the respective student's absence details. In so doing, they are removed from the recurring absence.


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