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TASS APIs Overview

An API developed by TASS that a third-party company can use to connect to the TASS database.

All TASS APIs require a dedicated API license key. Some license keys are included in your existing Basic or Premium license, and others may be charged at an additional cost. Refer to API Pricing and the table below for more information.

To request an API license key, click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Integration Partners

These APIs require partner certification and are only available through Certified Integration Partners.

Public APIs

These APIs are available for public use and the documentation is published on GitHub ( They can be used by anyone (school or vendor) to develop integrations alongside of TASS. The usage of these APIs by non-approved integration partners is not certified.

For information on Adding, Viewing, and Editing a TASS API Application, refer to 'TASS API Applications'.

For information on configuring an API integration, refer to HOW - Integrations.

Also, see the TASS APIs on GitHub (external link).

API Versions   

The 'Version' listed for the API refers to the security methods used: 

Version 2 = Data can be processed without any restrictions and is based on school providing access to the associated endpoints.

Version 3 = Security Roles are required to use the API method, which restricts what information can be accessed.  For specific information on API methods, their versions and any applicable permissions needed, visit our GitHub page.

More information can be found here:



Integration Partners

TASS License Required


Accounts Payable Integration (Licence Code: API06)


Certified Partners:

  • FileBound

  • Alii Technology Group

  • BBC Digital

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This Version 2 public API supports third-party OCR scanning and workflow automation software, for the creation of Invoices in TASS.web program Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Transactions > Invoices without the need for any manual data entry.

The following information can also be extracted by this API:

  • Annual budget amounts for GL Accounts.

  • Account responsibility levels for GL Accounts.

  • Details of the requisition approver/s and raiser.

  • Edit the quantity and unit cost of a PO line item.

  • Add new PO line items to an existing PO.

Assessment (Licence Code: API29)


Not available with Basic license.

Requires a Premium license + LMS Integration API.

This Version 3 public API allows users to retrieve the following information:

  • Assessment Methods data with validations for a specified year and period. To retrieve all or for a single Assessment Method.

  • Result years and periods. To retrieve in bulk or for a specific year.

  • Objective data for a supplied year and period.  To retrieve all Academic Reporting Objectives, or for a specific objective.

  • Result formats data for a supplied year and period. To retrieve all Result Formats or for a single Report Type.

 The API allows users to upload the following information:

  • Student Subject Results (Final Result and Overall Subject Grades). To update the Subject objective results currently available in the Upload Academic Results.

Boarding (Licence Code: API10)


Certified Partners:


  • Boardingware

Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following information for students who have been flagged as a boarder within TASS.web:

  • Student Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • Basic Student information.

  • Parent Contact information based on a student's communication rules.

CeDe3 Integration (Licence Code: API09)


This private API is reserved for use by the Catholic Education Diocese. Click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Data Upload Utility (Licence Code: API14)


Not available with Basic license.

Requires a Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This Version 2 public API mirrors the functionality available in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Data Upload Utility but instead of updating data via a CSV upload, data is updated via direct passing of information into the database via the API.

Edumate Integration (Licence Code: API21)


This Version 2 private API extracts the following General Ledger related information:

  • Chart of Accounts.

The following can be updated by this API:

  • Basic Student Information.

  • Basic Parent Information.

  • Parent Contact Information.

  • Account Journals.

  • Sundry Receipts.

Click here to submit a Licensing Request.

EmployeeHR (Licence Code: API13)


Certified Partners:

  • SchoolBox

Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 2 public API enables basic employee records to be submitted using a third-party software to be entered into TASS.web program Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees without any manual data entry.

The following information can also be extracted by this API:

  • Employee Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • HR General tab.

  • Address tab.

  • Next of Kin.

  • Leave Balances.

  • HR User Defined information.

General Ledger Analytics (Licence Code: API22)


Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following General Ledger related information:

  • Chart of Accounts.

  • Account Balances for a Year/Period.

  • Account Responsibilities.

  • Reporting Codes setups and mappings.

  • Ledger Transactions for a Year/Period or a Year/Account.

Identity Management (IdM) (Licence Code: API23)


Certified Partners:

  • SchoolBox

  • K12 Solutions

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following information used with third party Identity Management Providers:

  • Basic Student information.

  • Basic Parent Information.

  • Basic Employee Information.

  • TASS.web User Information.

  • LDAP/SAML information for students, parents and employees.

  • User Role Management.

The following is also able to be updated by this API:

  • Employee Portal Access, User Name and Email Address.

  • Student Portal Access, User Name and Email Address.

  • TASS.web Portal Access, User Name and Email Address.

  • Parent Portal Access and User Name.

For more information, refer to the 'Version 53 - IdM API' video.

LEQ Integration (Licence Code: API15)


This is a private API reserved for use by Lutheran Education Queensland. Click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Library Integration (Licence Code: API07)


Certified Partners:

  • Oliver

  • Box of Books

Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following information required by third-party library management software:

  • Student Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • Basic Student Information.

  • Employee Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • Basic Employee Information.

  • Teacher Subject Information.

  • Student Subject Information.

  • Parent Contact Information (based on a student's communication rules).

LMS Integration (Licence Code: API03)


Certified Partners:

  • Canvas

  • SchoolBox

  • Box of Books

Not available with Basic license.

Requires a Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following information required by third-party learning management system software:

  • Student Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • Basic Student information.

  • Basic Teacher Information.

  • Basic Subject Information.

  • Timetable Information:

    • Timetable Definitions.

    • Timetable Calendar.

    • Student Timetable information.

    • Teacher Timetable information.

Mobile App (Licence Code: API05)


Certified Partners:

  • Digistorm

Not available with Basic license.

Requires a Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This Version 3 public API supports third-party Mobile Apps and the following connections:

  • Parent login authentication.

  • Parent split family access.

  • Permissions based on parent access to information in Parent Lounge.

  • Student eDiaries and the following feeds:

    • Timetable

    • LMS/Assessment Activities

    • Sports Fixtures

    • Parent-Teacher Interviews

    • Boarders Leave

    • Pastoral Care

    • Personal Calendar

    • Events

  • Events details with SSO deep linking to Parent Lounge to action the approval and payment of the event.

  • School calendar and daily notices.

  • Notifications including targeted Push Notifications generated from Staff Kiosk (LDAP enabled only).

  • LDAP mappings can be maintained in program System Admin > Users > LDAP/SAML Maintenance.

Notifications (Licence Code: API30)


Included with the Orbit Parent license.

This Version 3 private API allows third-party vendors to generate push notifications within TASS.web and Staff Kiosk and send them to parents via the Parent Orbit app.

Online Enrolments (Licence Code: API04)


Certified Partners:

  • Digistorm

  • Blumark

  • Enrol HQ

  • Enquiry Tracker

Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 3 public API enables enrolment applications submitted using a third-party software to be entered into TASS.web without any manual data entry.

Applications entered using this method will be available for processing using TASS.web program Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Online Enrolment Applications.

Online Enrolment Applications can also be uploaded if the school chooses not to connect via this API.

This API allows the school to extract the following details:

  • Campuses.

  • Enrolled Students.

  • Feeder Schools.

  • Languages.

  • Occupations.

  • Parent UD.

  • Previous Connections.

  • Religions.

  • Residency Statuses.

  • Students.

  • Student UD.

  • Student UD Area Setup.

  • Year Groups.

  • Genders.

  • Titles.

Public Calendar and Notices (Licence Code: API11)


Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This Version 2 public API allows the school to extract the details and attachments of Daily Notices and Calendar Events flagged for visibility in the Public Calendar.

School Calendar and Notices (Licence Code: API19)


Certified Partners:

  • SchoolBox

Not available with Basic license.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 2 public API allows the school to extract the following details:

  • Daily Notices flagged for visibility in:

    • Staff Kiosk.

    • Student Café.

    • Parent Lounge.

  • Calendar Events flagged for visibility in:

    • Staff Kiosk.

    • Student Café.

    • Parent Lounge.

  • Teacher eDiary information.

  • Student eDiary information.

Student Academic Analytics (Licence Code: API17)


Not available with Basic license.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 2 public API extracts the following information that can be used to generate analytics using third-party software such as Microsoft BI:

  • Basic Subject Information.

  • Student Attendance.

  • Student Academic Performance.

  • Class and/or Cohort statistical data:

    • Average.

    • Maximum.

    • Third quartile.

    • Median.

    • First quartile.

    • Minimum.

  • Subject Attendance Rate.

  • Standardised Testing.

Student Details (Licence Code: API12)


Certified Partners:

  • Rollcall

  • SchoolBox

  • K12 Solutions

  • My School Connect

Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This Version 3 public API extracts the following student-related information:

  • Student Photo (if enabled in TASS.web).

  • General tab.

  • UD tab.

  • UD Area tab.

  • Parent Contact information based on a student's communication rules.

  • MCEECDYA tab.

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