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Single Touch Payroll Gateway APIs

The Single Touch Payroll Gateway enables integration between TASS.web and the STP gateway provider, Ozedi, to facilitate Single Touch Payroll processing.

The API for the Single Touch Payroll Gateway will be set up, but not enabled, as part of the Single Touch Payroll onboarding process.

The steps in the checklist How to Enable Single Touch Payroll must be completed and the STP Gateway Onboarding Form submitted to the TASS Sales Team.

Testing the Single Touch Payroll Gateway

To 'Test' the Single Touch Payroll gateway connection, click the icon at the top of the screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Single Touch Payroll Gateway

Set this field to 'Ozedi'.

Client ID

This ID will be provided as part of the Single Touch Payroll onboarding process.

Would you like to enable this API?

The Single Touch Payroll gateway can be enabled or disabled using this option.

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