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Payment Gateways APIs


The Payment Gateway APIs enable integration between TASS.web and various providers to facilitate online payments.

Online payments can be set up for the following TASS Products:

  • School Fee Accounts: For parents using the 'School Fee Accounts' option in Parent Lounge.

  • School Fee Account Payment Schedules: For parents using the 'School Fee Accounts - Payment Schedule' option in Parent Lounge.

  • Event Payments: For parents using the 'Events' option in Parent Lounge.

  • Extra Curricular: For parents using 'Pay at Sign-up' for Activities in Parent Lounge.

  • Commercial Debtor Invoices: Available through Parent Lounge or in the standalone Commercial Debtors Online Payment Portal.


If you are using more than one TASS Product, for example School FeesEvent Payments and Extra Curricular, a separate Payment Gateway must be set up for each TASS Product.

Payment Gateways

Refer to the 'How To/Checklist' setup guide for your chosen payment provider.

Test a Payment Gateway

To 'Test' a payment gateway connection, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'. If either test fails, repeat the steps in the 'How To Guide' for your chosen payment provider.

Fields that require further explanation

Connect To Gateway

This verifies that the communication to the Payment Gateway Provider's server is working.

For NAB Payment Gateways, when the ‘Connect to Gateway’ field displays: ‘Failed: 201’ the gateway is operating as expected.

Request Authentication Key / Request Token

This verifies that the communication back from the Payment Gateway Provider's server is working.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.