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External APIs

External APIs Overview

The table below provides an overview of the APIs that are currently available, what they can be used for and, their availability to Integration Partners and for Public use.

Some APIs are included with your existing Basic or Premium license, and some APIs may incur additional costs. Refer to API Pricing and the table below for more information.


TASS License Required


Payment Gateways

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API enables integration between TASS.web products and various gateway providers.

TASS Product

Gateway Provider Options


Account Payment

Westpac Payway, NAB Gateway, OZOW, CBA BPoint

For parents using the 'School Fee Accounts' option in Parent Lounge.

Events & Payments

Westpac Payway, NAB Gateway, OZOW, CBA BPoint

For parents using the 'Events & Payments' option in Parent Lounge.

CD Online Payment Portal

Westpac Payway, NAB Gateway, OZOW, CBA BPoint

Available through Parent Lounge or in the standalone Commercial Debtors Online Payment Portal.

Extra Curricular

Westpac Payway, NAB Gateway, OZOW, CBA BPoint

For parents using 'Pay at Sign-up' for Activities in Parent Lounge.

PL Payment Schedules

School EasyPay

For parents using the 'School Fee Accounts - Payment Schedule' option in Parent Lounge.

Edstart PL Payment Plan


For parents using the 'School Fee Accounts - Payment Plan' option in Parent Lounge.

SMS Gateways

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API enables integration between TASS.web and Streetdata.

Once enabled, SMS messages can be sent to students, parents and staff in various areas of TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.

Plagiarism Gateways

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API enables integration between TASS.web and the following Plagiarism gateway providers:

  • PlagScan.

  • Turnitin.

Once enabled, assessment related files uploaded by students in Student Café or teachers in Staff Kiosk Assessment will be submitted for plagiarism checking. Once checking is complete, a Word Count, Plagiarism Score and Plagiarism Report for each file will be provided.

Cloud Drive Gateways

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API allows students and teachers to browse and attach assessment related documents (i.e. student-submitted work or teacher resources) from a cloud drive such as Google Drive or Office 365.


Included with Basic and Premium license types.

Captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a system that protects web applications from computer bots and spam.

Once enabled, it will require a user to acknowledge that they are not a computer program after several failed login attempts, when logging in or completing a form.

PDF Conversion

Basic or Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This API is used for the following:

  • SMTP emails to convert word merge files to a PDF and then attached to the email.

  • Staff Kiosk Assessment to convert uploaded Microsoft Word documents to a PDF ready for live annotation of rubrics and student-submitted work.

Push Notifications

Not included with Basic license.

Requires a Premium license + Mobile App API.

This API is used in conjunction with the Mobile App API to send Notifications generated from Staff Kiosk via targeted Push Notifications.

This API requires LDAP and/or OAuth to be enabled.

To request a TASS API License, click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Orbit Parent Push Notifications

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

Requires Parent Orbit API to be enabled.

This API is used in conjunction with the Parent Orbit API to send Notifications generated from Staff Kiosk via targeted Push Notifications.

Orbit Staff Push Notifications

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

Requires Staff Orbit API to be enabled.

This API is used in conjunction with the Staff Orbit API to send Notifications generated from Staff Kiosk via targeted Push Notifications.

Single Touch Payroll Gateways

Requires a Basic or Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This API is used for Single Touch Payroll to transmit data electronically to the ATO via a specialist Single Touch Payroll Gateway provider, Ozedi.

To request a TASS API License, click here to submit a Licensing Request.

LISS Integration

Requires a Basic license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

Included with Premium license.

This API is used for timetable integration with LISS compatible timetable products.

Use of this API requires the school to hold a 'Premium' TASS license.

This API is only available when using a unitised timetable.

To request a TASS API License, click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Address Validation

Requires a Basic or Premium license + additional cost. See API Pricing for details.

This API is used to enable parent addresses to be checked and matched on entry.

Automatic address tokens will be saved with address data and the address geocoding.

To request a TASS API License, click here to submit a Licensing Request.

Microsoft School Data Sync v1

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API is used to generate CSV files in the format required by Microsoft School Data Sync. v1.

Microsoft School Data Sync v2.1

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API is used to generate CSV files in the format required by Microsoft School Data Sync v2.1

Apple School Manager

Included with Basic and Premium license types.

This API is used to generate CSV files in the format required by Apple School Manager.

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