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Cloud Drive Gateways APIs


Before proceeding with setting up these parameters, you should follow the steps in the appropriate Online Help 'How To' Guide:

Adding a New Cloud Drive

To add a new Cloud Drive, click the 'Add Cloud Drive' button to display a blank 'Cloud Drive Details' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Cloud Drive

The 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' links in the 'Action' column allow you to maintain existing Cloud Drives.

Fields that require further explanation


Set this field to the appropriate drive type.


Microsoft OneDrive will require both Student Café and Staff Kiosk to be running in HTTPS mode.

Client Id

For Google Drive, enter the 'Client ID' generated in Google's API Manager setup in step 5 of the How to Setup the Google Drive API Gateway

For OneDrive, enter the 'Application ID' from step 2 of the How to Setup the Microsoft OneDrive API Gateway (Microsoft's Application Registration Portal) or How to Setup the Microsoft OneDrive API Gateway (Azure Portal) checklist.

Identification key

This field is only used for Google Drive.

Enter the 'API Key' generated in Google's API Manager setup in step 5 of the How to Setup the Google Drive API Gateway.

To disable the use of Cloud Drives, update the 'Type' field to 'Disabled'.

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