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Apple School Manager APIs

The Apple School Manager API generates CSV files in the format required by Apple School Manager using a scheduled task.

Click the 'Edit' icon to maintain the Apple School Manager (ASM) Integration Details.

If your school has more than one company requiring data to be generated for Apple School Manager, each company will be required to have separate details entered.

Click the 'Download' button to generate a .zip file containing the following ASM formatted CSV files:

  • classes.csv

  • courses.csv

  • locations.csv

  • rosters.csv

  • staff.csv

  • students.csv

Fields that require further explanation

Data Gateway Directory

Enter the Network location the .csv files are to be saved to.


This must be a unique location for each company.

If your school uses TASS Cloud, please submit a Technical Services Support Ticket to have this directory created for you.

Include Timetable class only

Check this box to prevent the .csv files from including subject classes that have not been timetabled.

Password Policy


If left blank, the policy set in Apple School Manager will be used.

There are 3 options to choose from:

  1. 8 – Standard policy.

  2. 6 – six-digit policy.

  3. 4 – four-digit policy.

This will be included in the student.csv file and will override the Location password policy and previously set password policy.

Locations.csv Options

School Location ID

Enter the School Location ID.

This will be used in the school.csv as the Location ID and other CSV files.


Each company must have a unique School Location ID.

Classes.csv Options

Class ID Field Order

Select the option to export the Classes as required by Apple School Manager.

Choose from:

  • Year Group + Subject Code.

  • Year Group + Subject Code + Class.

  • Year Group + Class + Subject Code.

  • Class + Year Group + Subject Code.

  • Class + Subject Code + Year Group.

  • Subject Code + Year Group + Class.

  • Subject Code + Class.

To include Subject data in the sync, the 'Include in Data Sync' option must be set to 'Yes' on the 'Subjects' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.

Class Term Method

Select from either 'Year' or 'Year and Semester/Term'.

Class Term Year

This must match the 'Current Year' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable' tab.

Class Term Semester


This field is only displayed when 'Section Term Method' is set to 'Year and Semester/Term'.

This must match the 'Current Semester/Term' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable' tab.

Students.csv Options

Student Person ID Field

Select from either 'Student Code' or 'LDAP Username'.

Student SIS Username Field

Select from either 'Student Code', 'LDAP Username' or 'Email Address'.

Click on the 'yellow alert' icon/'LDAP Username Exceptions' to display a list of students without an LDAP Username defined.

Staff.csv Options

Staff Person ID Field

Select from either 'Employee Code', 'Teacher Code' or 'LDAP Username'

Staff SIS Username Field

Select from either 'Employee Code', 'Teacher Code', 'LDAP Username' or Email Address.

Click on the 'yellow alert' icon/'LDAP Username Exceptions' to display a list of teachers without an LDAP Username defined.

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