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Captcha APIs

Captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a system that protects web applications from computer bots and spam.

It requires a user to acknowledge that they are not a computer program when logging in or completing a form.

Where the Captcha API is enabled, a Captcha request will be displayed after the user has 3 failed login attempts on TASS.web and all TASS Portals.


Set this field to 'Google reCaptcha'

Site Key

A 'Site Key' will be provided when registering for reCaptcha at

Secret Key

A 'Secret Key' will be provided when registering for reCaptcha at

When the 'Google reCaptcha' is not enabled, all TASS portals will automatically use the inbuilt TASS Captcha system.


TASS.web currently only support Google reCAPTCHA v2.

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