Through the Staff Kiosk Timesheets program, employees can add their timesheet details online using the 'Timesheet Entry' modal. When they are ready, employees can click the 'Submit Timesheet' button to submit their timesheets for approval.
For more information on timesheet approval, refer to Staff Kiosk Staff Timesheets.
Timesheet Summary
Access 'Online' Timesheets via the Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Timesheets.
By default, the Timesheet summary will display the following timesheet details.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Period End | This is the actual or notional Period End Date in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY'. |
Timesheet Cut-Off Date | The last date the timesheet can be submitted |
Role | This is a description of the Role, e.g. Coach. |
Status | This is the current status of the timesheet. See section 'Timesheet Status' below. |
Break | This is the length of any breaks taken in minutes. |
Hours | This is the total hours recorded for each timesheet entry. |
Assigned to | This is field is only used where the timesheet has not yet been approved. The assigned Approver's name will be displayed, e.g. 'Assigned to: John Smith'. |
Buttons on the Timesheet Summary
+New Timesheet Entry: Click the '+New Timesheet Entry' button to open the 'Timesheet Entry' modal. See section 'Timesheet Entry Modal' below.
Submit: Click the 'Submit' button to submit the timesheet entry. See section 'Submit Timesheet' below.
'+': Click the 'plus' button to expand the timesheet list and display timesheet details. Note, these are also available to see on the 'Timesheet Grid' using the 'See All' button.
See All: Click the 'See All' button to open the 'Timesheet Grid' screen. See section 'The Timesheet Grid' below.
Submit Timesheet
Once the timesheet is completed, it can be submitted for approval using the green 'Submit Timesheet' button. A confirmation modal will open to ensure this is an intended action. Click 'Yes' to submit the timesheet or 'No' to cancel the action.
When 'Yes' is clicked, a check is performed to ensure that the status of the timesheet is unchanged—it must be 'Unsubmitted'. If not, the process is cancelled and an error message will be returned saying 'Unable to Submit Timesheet. Please try again'.
If the status is ok, another check is performed to ensure there is a 'Level 1 Approver' who is a current employee. If not, an error will be displayed saying 'Your Timesheet could not be submitted. An email has been sent to notify the Payroll Administrator' or 'Your Timesheet could not be submitted. Please contact your Payroll Administrator'.
If all checks are successful, an email generated and sent to the Payroll Contact, from the company 'No Reply email'. See section 'Timesheet Entry Modal'.
The database is then updated to complete the submission.
Email Notifications
Automatic email notifications can be sent at various stages of the workflow process. The email will include a link for a one-click re-direction to the relevant screen in Staff Kiosk (or its login page).
The 'System Email Templates' that are available to be sent include:
One to the Approver when a timesheet is submitted.
One to the Approver, with a digest of timesheets awaiting their approval at regular intervals.
One to employees, when timesheets are due to be submitted (within so many days of the deadline).
One to employees when 'Unsubmitted' timesheets exist (within so many days of the deadline).
One to an employee when their timesheet is 'Rejected'.
One to an employee when their timesheet is 'Approved'.
One to the Payroll Contact when a timesheet is 'Approved'.
For more information on how to configure the automatic email notifications, refer to TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Online Timesheets Emails' tab.
For more information on 'System Email Templates', refer to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'System Email Templates' tab.
Timesheet Status
Online Timesheet Status | Details |
Unsubmitted | This status is automatically assigned to work hours entered by an employee where the timesheet has not yet been submitted for approval. A timesheet with this status must be reviewed/updated and Submitted by the employee at which time its status will be set to 'Unapproved'. |
Unapproved | This is where the timesheet has not yet been approved. This status is automatically assigned when the employee submits a timesheet. A timesheet with this status requires action (Approve/Amend/Reject) by the assigned Approver. |
Rejected | This status is assigned when an Approver Rejects the timesheet. |
Approved | This is where the timesheet has been approved but it has not yet been imported into a Pay Run. This status is automatically assigned when a timesheet is approved by the First Approver or Second Approver (if applicable) in the workflow. A timesheet with this status is available for import into an upcoming Pay Run. |
Processing | This is where the timesheet has been imported into a Pay Run but the pay run has not yet been completed. |
Paid (This Year) | This is where the timesheet has been imported into a Pay Run, the Pay Run has been completed, and the year from the Period End date is the current year. |
Paid (Prior Years) | This is where the timesheet has been imported into a Pay Run, the Pay Run has been completed, and the year from the Period End date is not the current year. |
The Timesheet Grid
The Timesheet Grid displays a list of timesheets grouped by their current 'Status'. A filter is provided which can be used to view specific timesheets by status, e.g. Filter the grid to show only unapproved timesheets, or filter the grid to show only unpaid entries.
Buttons on the Timesheet Grid
Back: Click the 'Back' button to return to the 'Timesheet Summary'.
Status: Click the 'Status' filter button to see the display options available.
+New Timesheet Entry: Click the '+New Timesheet Entry' button to open the 'Timesheet Entry' modal. See section 'Timesheet Entry Modal' below.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Period End | This is the actual or notional Period End Date in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY'. |
Role | This is a description of the Role, e.g. Coach. |
Status | This is the current status of the timesheet, e.g. 'Approved'. See section 'Timesheet Status' above. |
Hours | This is the total hours recorded for each timesheet entry. |
Assigned to | This is field is only used:
Action | Click the 'View' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal to see full details of the Timesheet entry, including the 'Timesheet Log'. See section 'Timesheet Entries Modal' below. |
Timesheet Entries Modal
The 'Timesheet Entries' modal will open when the 'View' action link, on the 'Timesheet Grid', is clicked.
If you are an Timesheet Approver, this modal will open once the 'See All' button is clicked from the homepage left-menu 'Timesheets to Action' or an 'Approve' icon is clicked in the 'Staff Timesheet Grid'.
Buttons on the Timesheet Entries Modal
+New Timesheet Entry: Visible only to Timesheet Approvers. Click the '+New Timesheet Entry' button to open the 'Timesheet Entry' modal.
Approve/Reject Timesheet: Visible only to Timesheet Approvers. Use the 'I would like to' picklist to select one of the following options:
When the timesheet is 'Unapproved':
Approve Timesheet.
Reject Timesheet.
When the timesheet is already 'Approved':
Enter a Comment.
Reject Timesheet.
Comment/Reason: Visible only to Timesheet Approvers. Use this text field to enter comments. The following conditions apply:
When the timesheet is 'Unapproved', leave an optional comment.
When the timesheet is already 'Approved' and 'Comment' is selected from the picklist, a comment must be entered.
When the timesheet is already 'Approved', and 'Reject' is selected from the picklist, a comment must be entered.
Show Timesheet Log/Hide Timesheet Log: Click this button to toggle the display of the 'Timesheet Log' under the modal.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Period End Date | This is the actual or notional Period End Date in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY'. |
Role | This is a description of the Role, e.g. Coach. |
Status | This is the current status of the timesheet, e.g. 'Approved'. See section 'Timesheet Status' above. |
Assigned to | This is field is only used where the timesheet has not yet been approved. The assigned Approver's name will be displayed, e.g. 'Assigned to: John Smith'. |
For each entry | |
Date | This is the Work Date. See section 'Timesheet Entry Modal'. |
Position | This is the Position that has been mapped to the employee and the Role. |
Paycode | This is the Paycode description. |
Start Time | This is the Start Time of the Work Date. The displayed format is 'HH:MM AM/PM'. |
Finish Time | This is the Finish Time of the Work Date. The displayed format is 'HH:MM AM/PM'. |
Break | This is the length of any breaks taken in minutes. |
Hours/Qty | This field is be based in the Rate Code value and is represented using a label and a value. See section 'Timesheet Entry Modal' below. |
Optional: If 'Comment' text has been included, a 'speech bubble' icon will display the content when hovered over. | |
Action | Click the 'View' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal to see full details of the individual Timesheet entry. Click the 'Log' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entry Change Log'. See section 'Timesheet Entry Change Log' below. Click the 'Edit' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal. See note. Action: Edit or Delete For employees, the 'Edit' or 'Delete' icons will display only when the status of the timesheet is either:
For Approvers/Power Users the 'Edit' or 'Delete' icons icon will display only when the status of the timesheet is either:
Click the 'Delete' icon to delete a timesheet entry. A confirmation modal will open to ensure this is an intended action:
Click 'Yes' to delete the entry or 'No' to cancel the action. If the timesheet entry being deleted is the only entry left for this timesheet, then the timesheet itself will also be deleted. In this scenario, a 'Delete Timesheet' log record is recorded. There will be a 'Delete' icon against all records but only where the status of the timesheet is either 'Unapproved' or 'Approved'. If neither, the following message will be displayed 'Unable to delete. Please try again'. |
When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' or 'Update' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the previous screen.
Timesheet Log
When the 'Show Timesheet Log/Hide Timesheet Log' toggle button is clicked, the 'Timesheet Log' expands or collapses.
The details shown in this log are as follows:
Fields that require further explanation | |
Name | Displayed using the format 'Preferred Name' and 'Surname'. |
Ghost Name | A conditional field. Only displayed if the Ghost Employee Code is used. The Ghost icon is displayed followed by referred 'Name' and 'Surname'. |
Action Text | Displays the logged workflow action. Displayed in uppercase font, e.g. 'APPROVE TIMESHEET'. |
Date and Time | Displayed format is: dd/mm/yyyy at hh:mm AM/PM |
Status | Displays the logged workflow status. Displayed in uppercase font, e.g. 'APPROVED'. |
Assigned to | Displays the name of the employee or Approver to who the action has been assigned. |
Comment icon | Displayed in a hover-over tooltip if the field has been utilised. |
Timesheet Entry Modal
The 'Timesheet Entry' modal will open when actions like 'View', 'Edit' or 'Delete' are clicked on the Timesheet Summary, Time sheet Grid, and Timesheet Entries modal.
Clicking the '+New Timesheet Entry' button on the Timesheet Summary or Timesheet Entries modal will also directly open this modal.
Message: 'Unable to proceed. A 'No Reply' email address is not set up. See your System Administrator'.
When an employee (or 'Approver'/'Power User') clicks the '+New Timesheet Entry' button or 'Edit' icon, a check is performed to ensure there is a 'No Reply email address' set up for their 'Company'. If not, this message will be displayed.
For more information on the 'No Reply email address' setup, refer to TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information on the 'General' tab.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Employee | This will be auto-populated with the name of the employee that the timesheet belongs along with their Employee Code, in the format of 'Surname, Preferred Name [Employee Code], e.g. Smith, John [10001]. This conditional field is not editable and is only displayed to Timesheet Approvers or Power Users. |
Work Date | This is the date when the work was performed. TLDR; Basically, this date cannot be a future date, nor a date is more than 90 days old. But must be on or before the cutoff date. When creating a timesheet ('Add' mode), if the modal has been initiated from the 'Staff Timesheets Grid' screen, the date must be:
If the modal has been initiated from 'Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR' from the left menu option 'Timesheets', the date must be:
In 'Edit' mode, this field is not editable. |
Role | This is the Role of the employee. It is a conditional field. When creating a timesheet ('Add' mode), if the modal has been initiated by a Timesheet Approver or Power User from the 'Staff Timesheets Grid' screen, this field will be auto-populated with the Role to which the timesheet belongs and it will not be editable. Otherwise, it will be a mandatory, single select, picklist populated with Roles that have been mapped to the employee, and have a First Approver assigned. In 'Edit' mode, this field is not editable. |
Position | When creating a timesheet ('Add' mode) and in 'Edit' mode, this field is a mandatory single select picklist populated with the Positions that have been mapped to the employee and the Role selected in the field above. Message: 'A timesheet for this date and position has already been submitted'. If there is a 'Per Day' Online Timesheets Rule associated with this Position, a system check will be made to see if there are any other timesheet entries for this Date and Position that have a status other than 'Unsubmitted'. If any are found, this error message will be displayed. If there is a Threshold Rule associated with this Position, there will be an 'Info' icon. Hover-over this icon to display the 'Rule Tooltip' defined on that Threshold Rule. For more information, refer to Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Online Timesheet Rules. |
Paycode | This is a mandatory field that is populated using the single select picklist with Paycodes that have been mapped to the employee and the Role/Position combination selected in the fields above. The Paycode determines the Rate Code (used for Start and End Times). |
Start Time | This is a conditional field. It is only displayed where Rate Code is a value other than '0'. When the Work Date is chosen (above), a default time of 6:00 a.m. will be inserted automatically. This can be adjusted using the associated pickist, which is populated with times based on the time interval parameter, e.g. '5' means there will be 5 minute intervals. The Time Interval Override flag is used to determine if users can override the times available in this picklist. For more information on 'Time Interval Override', refer to TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Payrolls' tab. |
Finish Time | This is a conditional field. It is only displayed where Rate Code is a value other than '0'. Once the Start Time has been set, use the associated picklist to set the Finish Time. |
Break | This field is mandatory. This is the length of any breaks taken in minutes. The duration can be 0 or any value that is less than the time worked. |
Hours | This field is be based in the Rate Code value:
Where the selected Position has a Threshold Rule, this value may be updated to comply with that rule. |
Comment | This is an optional text field. This field accepts up to 1000 characters of plain text. |
When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' or 'Update' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the previous screen.
Timesheet Entry Change Log
From the 'Timesheet Entries Modal', when the 'Log' icon is clicked (in the action column) the 'Timesheet Entry Change Log' modal will open.
This log contains the following details:
Fields that require further explanation | |
Type |
Update by | Employee code. Includes a hover-over to show the associated employee's name. |
Update on | Displayed using format: dd/mm/yyyy at hh:mm AM/PM. |
Position | Displays the Position description. |
Paycode | Displays the Paycode description. |
Start Time | The displayed format is 'HH:MM AM/PM'. |
Finish Time | The displayed format is 'HH:MM AM/PM'. |
Break | The displayed format is in a number of minutes. |
Hours / Qty | Represented using a label and a value. |
Comment icon | Displayed in a hover-over tooltip if the field has been utilised. |
Click the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen.