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PR - Online Timesheet Rules


The 'Online Timesheet Rules' program is used to maintain Online Timesheet Rules, including assigning Rules to Positions.

Using Online Timesheet Rules, schools can set up special rules to handle scenarios where the hours paid differs from the actual hours worked. For example, some casual pay conditions may specify the minimum pay to be received when work is performed, e.g. A Sports coach may get a minimum of 2 hours pay for each coaching session.

For more information on setting up ‘Online Timesheets', refer to How to Setup Staff Kiosk Online Timesheets.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

To use this program, you must have these permissions for 'Online Timesheet Rules' in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions or User Maintenance.


Permission Type

Online Timesheet Rules Program


General Tab


New Role






Assign Positions


General Tab

This tab is used to view, edit, or delete Online Timesheet Rules, as well as assign Positions.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to the TASS.web Online Timesheet Rules program is controlled by Payroll permissions on the 'Online Timesheet Rules' security point.

To enable this function, use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions or User Maintenance.

Buttons on the General Tab

  • New: Click the ' New ' button to create a new Rule using the 'Online Timesheet Rule' modal.

The Online Timesheet Rules List

Fields that require further explanation

Rule Count

The number of Rules Details records for this Rule.


Click the 'View' or 'Edit' link to open the Online Timesheet Rule details screen.

Click the 'Assign' link to open the 'Assign Positions' screen. 

Click 'Delete' to delete the selected record. If the Rule is in use, you cannot delete it. This option will be greyed out (not editable).

Hover over the 'Delete' link for an indication of what is preventing it from being deleted.

Assign Positions

On the 'Assign Positions' screen, there are two columns to map  Positions  to an  Online Timesheet Rule.

Use the buttons in the centre (i.e. 'Selected' and 'All') to move items in the 'Unassigned' left-column to 'Assigned' right-column, or vice-versa.

In this example, there are no current Positions assigned to this Online Timesheet Rule (the right-hand column 'Assigned Positions' is blank). To assign one or more Positions to this Online Timesheet Rule, select one (or more) 'Unassigned Positions' in the left-hand column and click the 'Selected (right arrow)' button. This will move them over to the 'Assigned Positions' column.

Remember to click the 'Save' button to retain any changes.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Online Timesheet Rule Details Modal

The 'Online Timesheet Rule Details' modal will open when the 'New' button, or 'View' or 'Edit' action links on the 'General' tab are clicked.

Buttons on the Online Timesheet Rules modal

  • Add Rule Detail: Click the 'Add Rule Detail ' button to create a new Rule Detail line.

Fields that require further explanation

*Rule Type

Select 'Per Session' where you want the Rule to be applied to each Timesheet Entry.

Select 'Per Day' where you want the Rule to be applied to all Timesheet Entries for each date.

*Rule Code

Enter a unique code ('Add' mode only)

This field accepts up to 10 alphanumeric characters only (A-Z, 0-9)

*Rule Description

A description of the Rule.

This field accepts up to 50 characters of plain text

Rule Tooltip

Optional. Enter information that will be visible to employees when they are adding a Timesheet Entry for a Position that has been assigned to this Rule.

This field accepts up to 1000 characters of plain text.

Rule Details


This is a system-allocated sequential number.

Threshold Operator

Select the mathematical operator that will be used with the Threshold Hours value to determine if this Rule Line will be applied.

Threshold Hours

You must enter the Threshold Hours value that will be used with the Threshold Operator above.

Valid values are in range 0.00 to 24.00 (for 5 hours 15 minutes, enter 5.25) 

Paid Hours

Where 'Per Day' Rule Type is selected:


Where 'Per Session' Rule Type is selected:

Optional where a value is entered for 'Minimum Break Hours'.

Valid values are in range 0.00 to 24.00 (for 5 hours 15 minutes, enter 5.25) 

Minimum Break Hours

Where 'Per Day' Rule Type is selected:

This field is not editable.

Where 'Per Session' Rule Type is selected:

Optional where a value is entered for 'Paid Hours'.

Valid values are in range 0.00 to 24.00 (for 5 hours 15 minutes, enter 5.25) 

Click 'Delete' to remove the selected record and re-number any remaining records below it.

The system will prevent the last Rule Details record from being removed. An alert will be displayed 'Unable to delete. There must be at least one Rule Detail'.

When satisfied with your entry, click the ' Save ' or ' Update ' button to commit your changes to the database or ' Cancel ' to return to the previous screen.

Print Options

When the 'Print' icon is clicked, the 'Print Online Timesheet Rules Print Options' modal will open.

Fields that require further explanation

Report Options

Online Timesheet Rules Listing (the default selection)

Two output options are available:

  1. Summary (by default), or

  2. Detailed.

The Summary report includes the following:

  • Code.

  • Rule Description.

  • Type.

  • Tooltip.

  • No. Rules.

The Detailed report includes all the rule details per Rule record:

  • Code.

  • Rule Description.

  • Type.

  • ID.

  • Threshold Operator.

  • Threshold Hours.

  • Paid Hours.

Assigned Positions Listing

This report includes the following:

  • Code.

  • Rule Description.

  • Type.

  • Position Code.

  • Position Description.

Sort By

The default is for the report to sort by 'Rule Description'.

Alternatively, you can elect to sort by 'Rule Code'.

Formatting Options

Choose to print the report as a PDF or export to Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Export to PDF is the default setting.

Click 'Go' to generate the report or 'Cancel' to abort the process.

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