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Staff Timesheets


Using the Staff Timesheets program, employees who have been allocated as Approvers (for specific Position Roles) can review and approve submitted timesheets. It also allows Power Users to view and maintain timesheets.

The Staff Timesheets Grid

The Staff Timesheet Grid will display a list of timesheets that are assigned to the logged-on user. 

The Staff Timesheet Grid will be populated as follows:

Where the user does not have permission to access 'All Staff', the Grid will be populated with 'Unapproved' timesheets that are assigned to the logged-on user.

Where the user does have permission to access 'All Staff', the Grid will be populated with all 'Unapproved' timesheets.

Refer to the administrator note below for details.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Permissions

Access to the Staff Kiosk 'Staff Timesheets' program is controlled by Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Timesheets permissions on the 'Staff Timesheets' security point(s). These security points give Approvers/Power Users access to timesheets assigned to them (separate security points exist for '---Add Timesheets' and '---Edit Timesheets').

Access to all Staff Timesheets in this program is controlled by the additional permission: Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Timesheets permissions '---All Staff' security point.

To enable this function, use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

TASS.web Access to Timesheets

Prior to Pay Run, the Online Timesheets submitted from this program can be viewed in:

  • TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Payroll Preparation > Timesheets.

Following a Pay Run, the Online Timesheets submitted from this program can also be viewed in:

  • TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘Pay Runs’ tab.

  • TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘Payments’ tab.

  • TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘Pay Runs’ tab.

  • TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘Payments’ tab.


Refer to Where can I update an approver of Timesheets?

Buttons on the Staff Timesheet Grid

  • Dashboard: Click the 'Dashboard' button to open the 'Dashboard' screen. See section 'TheDashboard' below.

  • StaffThis button will only be displayed where the logged-on user has permission to access 'All Staff' and they are an Approver (i.e. they are a mapped Approver for one or more Roles used in active employee online timesheet setups). Click the 'Staff' filter button to select from the following options:

    • All.

    • My Assigned Staff.

    • Other Staff – ALL.

  • School Area: This button provides options to filter by School Areas:

    • Where the logged-on user has permission to access 'All Staff', all the active School Areas will be available to filter.

    • Where the logged-on user does not have permission to access 'All Staff', only the active School Areas associated with the Position Roles for which they are a mapped as an Approver will be available to filter.

  • Status:  This filter can be used to view specific timesheets by status, e.g. Filter the grid to show only unapproved timesheets, or filter the grid to show only unpaid entries. Click the 'Status' filter button to see the display options available. 'Unapproved' is ticked by default

  • Search: This is a standard text search field that can be used to find employees or specific roles.

Fields that require further explanation


This is the Employee Code.


This is the surname of the employee.

Given Names

This is the given names of the employee.

Preferred Name

This is the preferred name of the employee.

Period End Date

This is the actual or notional Period End Date.


This is a description of the Role, e.g. Coach.


This is the current Status of the timesheet, e.g. 'Approved'.

For more information on 'Timesheet Status', refer to Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Timesheets.


This is the total number of hours recorded on the timesheet. 

This is a conditional field which is only used where the timesheet has not yet been approved (i.e. the status is 'Unapproved'). The assigned Approver's name will be displayed, e.g. 'Assigned to: John Smith'.


Click the 'View' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal to see full details of the individual Timesheet entry. 

An 'Approve' icon will be displayed against 'Unapproved' timesheets that have been assigned to the logged-on user for approval. Click the 'Approve' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal in 'Approve' mode. A picklist option to 'Approve Timesheet' or 'Reject Timesheet' will be available, as will the ability to leave a comment.

An 'Edit' icon will only be available to users who have permission to edit timesheets. It will only be displayed against timesheets with the status 'Approved', or 'Unapproved' where the logged-on user is not the current Approver. Click the 'Edit' icon to open the 'Timesheet Entries' modal in 'Edit' mode.

For more information on the 'Timesheet Entries Modal', refer to Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Timesheets.

The Dashboard

The 'Dashboard' enables the user to view the timesheet stats by 'Status' and 'School Area'.

For each count, a link will be provided which when clicked will open the 'Staff Timesheets Grid' filtered for the 'Status' and 'School Area' selected.

If the logged-on user does not have permission to access 'All Staff', the Dashboard counters will be for the Roles for which the logged-on user is mapped as an Approver.

Buttons on the Dashboard

  • Back: Click the 'Back' button to return to the 'Staff Timesheets Grid'.

Fields that require further explanation

School Area

This is the School Area.


These are the seven states that are applicable to timesheets:

  1. Unsubmitted.

  2. Unapproved.

  3. Rejected.

  4. Approved.

  5. Processing.

  6. Paid (This Year).

  7. Paid (Prior Years).

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