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PR - Pay Runs Tab


The ‘Pay Runs’ tab on the Employee Record provides two methods for analysing this employee's pay run history.

  1. The first allows you to start at the employee's 'Pay Runs' summary screen and progressively drill-down (by clicking the 'View' link in the 'Action' column) to the following levels of information:

    • Details from a particular pay run.

    • Details on a paycode within a particular pay run.

    • Transaction details.

    • Transaction history.

    • Transaction Leave Application and Log (where applicable).

Only the last 30 pay runs for this employee will be displayed automatically. If you want to access pay runs prior to this, use the 'Search' button.

  1. The second is to use the ' Search ' button on the employee's 'Pay Runs' summary screen. This allows you to search on all or a range of pay runs by date range.

The results of your search are then returned to a 'Pay Runs List' with a drill-down to the following levels of information:

  • Details from a particular pay run.

  • Details on a paycode within a particular pay run.

  • Transaction details.

This tab has its own separate security point. Because this program is shared with TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees, it is important to check that the HR users, who have been granted security access to this tab, are eligible to do so.

This tab can also be used to reprint an employee's pay envelope.

Click the 'Print Pay Envelopes' at the top of the screen. Use the 'Period End Date and Envelope dropdown list to select the pay period and envelope that you require to reprint the employee's envelope.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the envelope for this employee.

Only envelopes for pay runs that have been completed since TASS.web payroll was installed plus all electronic envelopes prior to that (those that were distributed through Staff Kiosk) will be available for reprint.

When a payment is linked to an Online Timesheet from Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Timesheets, A ‘Timesheet' link appears in the Action column of the 'Payment Transactions List’ screen. When the 'Timesheet' link is clicked, you can view the Online Timesheet associated with the payment in a read-only format. The view is similar to what Employees see when they access their Timesheets in the Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Timesheets after the final approval stage.

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