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PR - Payrolls Tab (SU)


The ‘Payrolls’ tab in Payroll Setup allows users to set up and maintain payroll configurations.

The system supports multiple payrolls. 

For example, this can be used to separate executives into separate payrolls for confidentiality reasons.

This tab also be used to create separate payrolls for weekly and fortnightly payrolls.

Adding a New Payroll

To add a new Payroll, click the 'New Payroll' button to display a blank 'Payroll Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Viewing and Editing a Payroll

To 'View' or 'Edit' a Payroll, click on the associated link next to the relevant payroll.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Payroll Details

Fields that require further explanation

*Payroll Number

The 2 character unique code to be used for this payroll.


A 20 character description for this payroll.


This field is used to indicate the frequency in which this payroll will be run.  Frequencies are maintained on the 'Frequencies' tab in this program.

Last Bank File Created On / By

This is a system-maintained field and cannot be updated.

Last Bank File Processing Date

This is a system-maintained field and cannot be updated.

Last GL Posting Date

This is a system-maintained field and cannot be updated.

Pay Run Exception Limits

The following four fields are used by the exception checking functions that occur during a pay run (when TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Edit Listing is run).

The functionality is designed to provide a warning that a significant keying error may have occurred, e.g. Paying an employee 760 hours instead of 76 hours in a pay run.

The parameters that are available for exception checking are listed below.

*Gross Pay / Base Pay Multiple

This can be used to produce an exception message where the value of an employee's gross pay in any pay run exceeds their base pay.

As an example:

  1. You have a multiple of 1.5 in this field.

  2. An employee's base pay is $1000.

  3. During a pay run the employee is paid $1600.

  4. An exception message would appear on the pay run edit list.

*Total Hours / Days All Paycodes

As an example:

If your payroll is set up to pay in hours, for a fortnightly payroll you would most likely enter 76 here. 

Therefore an exception message would be produced on the pay run edit list when an employee is paid 77 hours or more across all paycodes that have the 'Apply Exception Checking' box checked (on the 'Paycodes' tab of this program).

If your payroll is set up to pay in days, for a fortnightly payroll you would most likely enter 10 here. 

*Total Hours / Days per Paycode

As an example:

For a fortnightly payroll you would most likely enter 76 here.

Therefore an exception message would be produced on the pay run edit list when an employee is paid 77 hours or more across any one paycode that has the 'Apply Exception Checking' check box ticked (on the 'Paycodes' tab of this program).

If your payroll is setup to pay in days, for a fortnightly payroll you would most likely enter 10 here. 

*Payment Amount per Paycode

This is the dollar limit that the exception checking will check against for any one paycode.

As an example:

If you enter $3000 here, an exception message would be produced on the pay run edit list when an employee is paid $3000 or more on any one paycode that has the 'Apply Exception Checking' check box ticked (on the 'Paycodes' tab of this program).

Online Timesheet Parameters

Use the following parameters to set the cutoffs when timesheets must be submitted and when timesheets must be approved, for each payroll that has been configured.

The parameters that are available for 'Online Timesheets' are listed below.

Cutoff - Number of days before P/E Date

This is the number of days before the 'Period End Date' (P/E) that will be the last date for 'Online Timesheets', i.e. When timesheets must be submitted.

Valid values for this field are: NULL (leave blank), '0' or any positive whole number in range '1–NN' (where 'NN' is the number of days in the payroll cycle).

For example:

Enter '0' if the cutoff date is the same date as the 'Period End Date'.

Enter '1' if it is the day before the 'Period End Date' date.

Enter '2' if it is two days before the 'Period End Date' date and so on.

Deadline - Number of days before or after P/E Date

This is the number of days before or after the Period End Date (P/E) that will be the last date for submission of 'Online Timesheets' i.e. When timesheets must be approved.

This field is only editable when the 'Cutoff' field (above) is populated.

The 'Deadline' date must be greater than, or equal to, the 'Cutoff' date.

Valid values for this field are: NULL (leave blank), '0' or any positive or negative whole number in range '1–NN' (where 'NN' is the number of days in the payroll cycle).

For this field, enter '0' if it is the same date as the 'Period End Date'. Enter a negative number if it is before, or enter a positive number if it is after.

For example:

Enter '-2' if the deadline date is two days before the 'Period End Date' date.

Enter '-1' if it is the day before the 'Period End Date' date.

Enter '0' if it is the same date as the 'Period End Date'.

Enter '1' if it is the day after the 'Period End Date' date.

Enter '2' if it is two days after the 'Period End Date' date and so on.

Time Interval

This is the time interval to be used when entering timesheets in Staff Kiosk.

This field is only editable when the 'Cutoff' field (above) is populated.

The picklist provides the following time intervals:

  • 5 minutes.

  • 10 minutes.

  • 15 minutes.

  • 30 minutes.

Allow Time Interval Override

This option is used to allow or disallow a time interval override.

This field is only editable when the 'Cutoff' field (above) is populated.

Using the picklist, select 'Yes' to allow or 'No' to disallow.

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