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My Payroll/HR

My Payroll/HR Overview

This is a multipurpose program that allows you to:

  • View your employee information
  • View your current leave entitlements.
  • Project your leave entitlements as at a specific date.
  • Submit an application for leave.
  • Submit an application for other types of leave (eg in-service).
  • Edit and submit a 'Draft' application that has been entered on your behalf.
  • View, Edit or Cancel a previously submitted application.
  • View/Download Pay Envelopes.
  • View/Download PAYG Payment Summaries.
  • Update HR UD Areas.

By default, the program will display your information unless you are already 'ghosted' as another employee. When ghosted, not all employee information will be visible, such as Pay Envelopes and PAYG Payment Summaries.

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