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SLS - Receipts


The School Shop ‘Receipts’ program is multi-purpose, it can be used to:

  • Add a new receipt against a student account for this shop.

  • View and maintain existing receipts for this shop.

  • Generate a receipts listing.

  • Drill down on Parent or Student account details relating to transactions for this shop.

You would only use this program if your school accepts direct payments against student accounts for this shop. You would not use this program if sale transactions for this shop are transferred to the Parent Accounts module and combined with school fees.

Adding a New Receipt

Select the 'New' icon at the top of the screen to enter a new receipt and display a blank 'Shop Receipt – [Shop Name]' screen.

The focus is on the 'New' icon when the screen first loads. Press 'Enter' to open the 'Shop Receipt – [Shop Name]' screen ready for input.

This program allows for a receipt to be entered against:

  • Aa student's account for this shop (Student Code Receipt).

  • The total amount outstanding for all of a parent's students' accounts for this shop (where two or more of their students have purchased from the shop) (Parent Code Receipt).

Fields that require further explanation

Student Code

If the payment relates to a single student account, enter a valid student code, student name or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find current and enrolled students, enter 3 or more characters of their Student Code or name and you will see a picklist of matching Students.

To find past students, enter their student code or click the binoculars icon to open the lookup screen and search. 

To search for and allocate receipts to enrolled students:

  • the enrolled student record must be associated with a Parent Record stored in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.  For more information on transferring Enrolled Parents from the enrolment phase to a Parent Record, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Transfer to Current.      

  • the student’s enrolment status must meet or exceed the minimum enrolment status stage defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Enrolments’ tab. The Student Enrolment Status is set in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment information > Enrolments > Enrolled Student on the ‘Status’ tab.

Parent Code

If the payment relates to multiple student accounts for the one family, enter a valid parent code or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

Payment Type

C = Cash, Q = Cheque, E = EFTPOS and P = Plastic.

The use of any payment type other than 'Cash' will automatically trigger a '[Payment Type] Details' screen, where additional information needs to be entered:


  • Cheque Number.

  • Bank (Mandatory).

  • Branch (Mandatory).

  • Drawer (Mandatory).


  • Card Type.

  • Card Number.
    This field is only relevant for 'Plastic' type transactions.

You should NEVER enter a complete credit card number in this field as whatever is entered here is stored in the database.

  • Cardholder's Name.

  • Expiry.


  • Card Type.

  • Card Number.

You should NEVER enter a complete credit card number in this field as whatever is entered here is stored in the database. If you do need to enter something here for a 'Plastic' transaction check with your financial institution as to what options are safe, e.g. the number of digits to enter.

  • Cardholder's Name.

  • Expiry.

The information entered here can be printed on the bank deposit report generated using program Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Bank Deposit Report.


The default for the first receipt will be the current date.

The default for second and subsequent receipts will be the date from the previously entered receipt.


Student Code Receipt: The default will be $0.00.

Parent Code Receipt: The default will be the total amount outstanding for all of this parent's students (if this amount is negative, the default will be $0.00).

For this type of receipt, the program will display all of the students who have account balances for this shop in the 'Student Details' section of the screen. Next to each, the 'Payment' fields will default to the total balance. This can be overridden; however, the totals from these 'Payment' fields must equal the 'Amount' field.

Print Receipt

The program checks the 'Print Receipts' flag setup using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup to determine if a receipt is to be printed automatically as a result of this transaction. The default for this can be overridden.

Select the 'Save' button to commit this receipt to the TASS.web database.

Viewing or Editing Receipts

To 'View' or 'Edit' a receipt, use the search screen to locate the required receipt.

This search screen provides the facility to search for existing receipts in the database using various search fields.

Searchable areas include 'Receipt Selections', 'Receipt Search Criteria', 'Student Search Criteria' and 'Filtering' (individual or range searching by receipt number date or amount).

Click the 'GO' button to execute the search and display the 'Receipts' screen with the matching records.

'View' and 'Edit' functions are available to alter existing receipts.

Receipts that have been posted to the General Ledger will be unavailable for editing. This also applies to receipts which have been banked and printed on a 'Final' Bank Deposit Report.

In both cases, the relevant link will be unavailable for selection.

You can search for all receipts that make up a bank deposit by using the 'Deposit Number' field. Each time a bank deposit report is run in 'Final Report' mode, a new bank deposit number is assigned. 

Printing Options

This program contains two printing options:

  1. Print the receipt list that you have generated as a result of a receipt search. Click on the 'Print' button at the top of any 'Receipt List'.

  2. Print an individual receipt. 'View' a receipt from any 'Receipt List' and then click 'Print Receipt' button above the 'Receipt Details'.

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