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PR - Tax & Bank Tab


The ‘Tax & Bank’ tab on the Employee Record is used to add, view and maintain employee bank, tax and TFN (tax file number) declaration information. 

The bank account defined on this tab will be used for the payment of the net pay (after other banking deductions are made).

If the employee requires his/her pay to be distributed to multiple bank accounts, then insert bank deduction paycodes into their permanent pay record or into their timesheet.

This tab has its own separate security point. Because this program is shared between TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees and Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees it is important to check that the HR users, who have been granted security access to this tab, are eligible to do so.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

  • Access to this tab will require the ‘View’ permission on the ‘Payroll Details’ security point.

  • Access to the ‘Edit’ icon on this page will require the ‘Edit’ permission on the ‘Payroll Details’ security point.

These user security permissions can be updated in TASS.web System Admin >Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

The screen is divided into 3 sections:

Bank Details

Fields that require further explanation

Pay Method*

Use the drop-down list to choose from 'Bank Transfer' or 'Other'.

B.S.B. Number*

Key in a valid B.S.B. Number or use the 'Binoculars' icon to locate the correct number.

This is a six digit field in a 'NNN-NNN' format.

If the B.S.B. Number is not available you will need to add it using TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > B.S.B. Numbers.

Account Number*

This is a 15 character field.

Changes made to an employee's 'BSB' and 'Account Number' are logged in an audit table. Details of these changes can be accessed using the ‘yellow alert’ icon on the 'Payroll Employee List' screen in this program.

Account Name*

This is a 30 character field.  This is usually entered in uppercase.

Tax Declaration Details

The fields in this section of the screen enable TFN Declarations to be reported electronically to the ATO by inclusion in STP Pay Events. They are also used to record information for the employee in accordance with the Single Touch Payroll requirements and the TFN Declaration Form (NAT 3092-09.2017).

Fields that require further explanation

Tax File Number

This is either an 8 digit or 9 digit numeric value, with no spaces or any other non-numeric characters.

In view mode, this field will display 'Quoted' if a Tax File Number has been entered. Otherwise 'Not Quoted' will be displayed.

Leaving this field blank will cause the system to apply penalty tax for this employee if tax file validation is enabled (the 'Validate Tax File Numbers' box has been checked through TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Parameters' tab) and there are no dates or past dates entered directly below.  

TFN Declaration Date

Enter the date from the Declaration section of the employee’s TFN Declaration. 

TFN Enquiry Date

If the employee has not provided a Tax File Number (TFN) but has made an inquiry to the ATO for an existing TFN and has been provided with an 'amnesty' date, enter the date here.

If the date is less than the period end date penalty tax will be applied (scale D).

TFN Interim Notice

If the employee has not provided a Tax File Number (TFN) but has made an application to the ATO for a new TFN and has been provided with an 'amnesty' date, enter the date here.

The system will not apply penalty tax until a pay run that includes the date entered here (even if tax file validation is enabled).

Tax-Free Threshold claimed*

Enter the response from the employee’s TFN Declaration. 

Study Training & Support Loan Debt*

Enter the response from the employee’s TFN Declaration. 


This is any rebate that this employee has claimed on the TFN Declaration form (other than Zone).

You must enter the annual rebate amount here and the system will convert this annual figure to a per-pay run and reduce the tax accordingly.

Zone Rebate

This is the zone rebate that this employee has claimed on the TFN Declaration form.

You must enter the annual rebate amount here and the system will convert this annual figure to a per-pay run and reduce the tax accordingly.

Residency Tax Status*

Enter the response from the employee’s TFN Declaration. 

Use the pick list to select one of the following options:

  • Resident (R) - this is the default value.

  • Non-Resident (N) 

  • Working Holiday Maker (W) 

Country of Origin

Enter the response from the employee’s TFN Declaration. 

Medicare Levy Exemption*

Enter the Medicare Levy Exemption details for the Employee.

Use the pick list to select one of the following options:

  • None

  • Half

  • Full

This field will not alter the amount of tax withheld.

Medicare Levy Reduction*

Enter the Medicare Levy Reduction details for the Employee.

Use the pick list to select one of the following options:

  • None

  • Spouse Only

  • 1 Child

  • 2 Children

  • 3 Children

  • 4 Children

  • 5 Children

  • 6 Children

  • 7 Children

  • 8 Children

  • 9 Children

  • 10 or more Children

This field will not alter the amount of tax withheld.

Medicare Levy Surcharge*

Enter the Medicare Levy Surcharge details for the Employee.

Use the pick list to select one of the following options:

  • None

  • Tier 1

  • Tier 2

  • Tier 3

This field will not alter the amount of tax withheld.

The fields in the 'TFN Declaration' section will not be editable if there is a timesheet for the employee or the employee has been terminated.

Tax Details

Fields that require further explanation

Tax Scale*

Using the dropdown list select the correct tax scale for this employee.

Tax Scales are setup and maintained using TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Tax Scales' tab.

Tax Scale Category

This field displays the Tax Scale Category of the Tax Scale selected in the field above based on the ATO Tax Scale for that Tax Scale.

Tax Scale Option

This field displays the Tax Scale Category of the Tax Scale selected above.

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