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PR - Accruals Tab


The ‘Accruals’ tab on the Employee Record provides details of this employee's current accrual status and past accrual history.

The entitlement quantity as at the last completed pay run date is displayed for each accrual.

Drill-down is available on individual accrual codes (e.g. Annual Leave Accrual) by clicking on one of the following links in the 'Action' column.

  • 'Accruals'  – This will take you to a transaction list of “accrual” transactions (transaction type '1') that details the quantity, rate and amount that has been accrued for each pay run.  An additional drill-down is available to each transaction's details.

  • 'Taken'  – This link will only be available for accrual codes where this employee has actually taken some of their entitlement.  (eg: sick leave, annual leave, etc)

The transaction list of 'accrual taken' transactions (transaction type '2') that is available when you drill-down on this list has a 'Print' button.

This is handy if you are discussing annual leave taken with an employee. You could email it directly to them.

An additional drill-down is available to each transaction's details from the history drill-down.  You can also use the 'Edit History' to change the 'Certified Transaction' checkbox or to add or modify the 'Comment' for this 'Taken' transaction.

  • 'Adjustments' – This link will only be available for accrual codes where an adjustment transaction has been processed.

From the transaction list of “accrual adjustment” transactions (transaction type '3') an additional drill-down is available to each transaction's details.

You can also use the 'Edit History' (available from the history drill-down) to change the 'Certified Transaction' checkbox or to add or modify the 'Comment' for this 'Adjustment' transaction.

  • 'Projections' – This link allows you to enter a projection date for certain accrual types such as Annual Leave. This link will not be available for all leave accruals.

This option will only be available for leave accruals that use the LAHOUR calculation method.   For more information on Awards, Calculation Rules and Methods refer to TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Award Calculations.

Enter the future date for this leave projection in the 'Projection Date' field and click the 'GO' button.

The system will calculate the quantity of the accrual between the 'Calculated To' (last pay run) and the 'Projected Date'.  This will be displayed in the 'Projected Quantity' field.

It will add this to the 'Current Entitlement' field and display the result in the 'Balance at Projection Date' field.

  • 'Edit' – This link can be used to open the 'Employee Accrual Details' window with the ability to change the 'Commencement Date' and 'Non-Accrual Days' fields for an accrual.

An example of how this may be used is where an employee joined the school from another school within the 'group' and is entitled to portable long service.  The date that would be in this field by default is their commencement date at this school, however, the accrual calculations should be based on the date that he/she commenced at the other school.

The Long Service Leave accrual uses 2 accrual codes – one for current (usually 'LSC') and one for non-current (usually 'LSN'). It is very important that the same commencement date is against both of these long service leave accrual codes.

You can also use the 'Add' button to add an accrual for an employee.  This will open the 'Employee Accrual Details' window with the ability to enter the 'Commencement Date' and 'Non-Accrual Days' fields.

Fields that require further explanation

Accrual Code/Desc

This is the accrual code that you intend to add for this employee

Commencement Date

This will default to the employee's commencement date. It can be overridden if this accrual is to commence from a different date. 

e.g. An example of how this may be used is where an employee joined the school from another school within the group and was entitled to portable long service. The default date that would be in this field is the employee's commencement date however the accrual calculations should be based on the date that the employee commenced in the school group.

Both Long Service Leave accruals ('LSC' and 'LSN') should have the same 'Commencement Date'.

Non-Accrual Days

This will default to zero.

This would only be used where you wish to record a period of time that is not to be included in the employee's service years' calculation, e.g. The employee took 12 months leave without pay and you did not want this period to count towards the 10 years service required for Long Service leave. You would enter 365 days in this field.

Both Long Service Leave accruals ('LSC' and 'LSN') should have the same 'Non-Accrual Days'.

This tab has its own separate security point. Because this program is shared with TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees it is important to check that the HR users, who have been granted security access to this tab, are eligible to do so.

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