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STR - Results Tab

A view of the student's entire subject results is visible on this screen.

The results are listed against the Objectives set for each subject and are the results that come through on the student's report card each reporting period.

These Objectives are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup

No data can be entered or edited on this screen, as it is for viewing purposes only.

This data can only be modified by Teachers in Staff Kiosk program Assessment Markbook or Enter Results and Comments.

The results displayed on this screen can appear in Academic Reports.

When the Academic Reporting period has ended, they can be published to:

  • Student Cafe My History > Academic Reports

  • Parent Lounge Student Details > Academic Reports

  • Staff Kiosk Student > Academic Reports

These results can also be published to:

  • Student Cafe My History > Final Results

  • Parent Lounge Student Details > Academic Results & Comments

  • Staff Kiosk Student > Academic Results & Comments

Refer to Academic Reporting Checklist - End of Reporting Period for more information. 

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